Chapter 109

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To put it to the conclusion, it would be said that Jungkook's face, which Count Kim had glanced inside the Oval Office window as he left the mansion, was a magical fake.

For reference, it was Alex who enjoyed the glory of becoming Jungkook's face for half a day.

I don't know about anything else, but he looks similar because his height was taller than average.

As soon as the magic was applied at the time, Alex could hardly take his eyes off the mirror with an almost half-spirited attitude.

What is he doing now?

It's magic so it's probably gone, so he's adjusted to his own face again, right?

I was thinking that, and suddenly I heard the voice of The Queen.

Her voice, originally felt cold, was cooler.

"Let me ask you one question."


"If you knew my purpose of trying to kill you from the start, as you said, why did you accept the invitation to call you to the kingdom in the first place? No matter how prepared you are, it's like crawling into another's trap."

It must be a question of course.

I arranged my words for a moment and answered.

"I was curious."

"You are curious?"

"I was curious about what kind of person you were. So to speak. Simple and humane curiosity."

I added calmly.

"That's all. It's been cleared up."

"Listening to you makes me wonder one more thing. Did you think you could meet me if you came to the kingdom?"


"Why? You said you knew my purpose, and I could've just ordered my people to kill you from behind without me showing up."

"We just talked. I was curious about you."


"I thought you'd be as curious about me as I am. So I thought you might want to see me in person before you kill me."


"And then you really are."

The Queen's eyes wriggled.

My answer seemed to go against her nerves.


Soon, her mouth twisted and she had a cold smile.

She laughed aloud.

"I see. You've been reading my action from the start, not enough for all my plans to be discovered by something as green as you are."


"It's funny. Aha haha. It's so funny that I can't stand it.... something reprehensible."

The next moment The Queen raised her right hand and waved.

Then the man standing closest to her drew the sword and swung it like a lightning bolt.

It was the Count who fell.


"Ugh! Why.........why?"

"Why? Why? What do you mean by why? You're lacking. If I knew you were wrong, I wouldn't be willing to do it right away."

The Queen spoke coldly to the fallen Count Kim.

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