slow creeper

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My beauty is not loud. It is not instant or  fleeting ,it cannot be seen at just one glance. No ,my beauty is quite. The kind of beauty you call out to when everything else is deemed hopeless. I am the one you call on when the thrill of having everyone has left ,when you are seeking something true.

My beauty is late night texts ,and a listening ear. I am not the girl who receives portraits ,no instead I am the one who gives them. I am not the girl you show up for ,or the girl you write songs about. No instead I am the one who becomes the artist ,the one who will jump off the edge just for you. I am not the girl you smile at softly ,instead I am the one whose eyes you meet ,whose eyes display nothing ,but understanding and comfort. My beauty is not addictive ,you will have it once and never think of it again. My beauty is not oppressive  ,I will love you and if you wish to go ,I will hug you and see you out the door with nothing but good wishes and a broken heart.

my beauty is not chaos ,it will not keep you up at night. No instead ,I am the one who will sing you lullabies. My beauty is the one you will seek out years from now ,when the thrill of our youth has vanished ,when you are mature enough to understand the privilege of ever having been touched by a beauty like mine. My beauty is forgiveness ,and stupid jokes you'll laugh at because it's me ,and that alone is enough to cause a smile tugging at your lips. My beauty is acceptance ,and unconditional love at times when you don't even deserve it. My beauty is patience ,the type it takes to understand your need for growth and the processes you need to go through to get there.

My beauty is thoughtful , and attentive ,the type of thoughtfulness like remembering something you told me years ago. My beauty is deep and mysterious ,the type of beauty you learn by reading in between the lines. And when you are grey and old ,when you want someone who understands ,who forgives ,and gives the way that I do...

Only then will you understand what it took for a beauty like mine to remain.

                     -Liyah smith

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