chapter ten

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Your pov

After taking the bath i used my now gem to create a new set of clothes, something that matches the way i look and feel.

I still couldn't understand what happened, i still had the abilities of my gem form but i couldn't turn back and i now had another gem, it seems like what happened to pink but she gave birth to steven, she and Steven aren't the same being, I'm still me, one being.

I left the bathroom and saw Steven on the couch. He turned to look at me and smiled standing up "okay, ready to go?" I nodded, answering his question and we walked to the warp pad, we stood on it and were transported to the warp pad on homeworld.

"I forgot how big homeworld really is" i said looking around "yeah, it really is big, isn't it?" Steven asked as we started walking.

"Okay, so, White might be surprised if she sees you so let me just ease the diamonds into it and you can come in when i give the signal, sound good?" Steven asked and i nodded, still looking at everything, not much has changed, apart from all the gems that aren't in one formation, doing exactly what they were created to do, instead they were all doing their own things.

We walked into the large head and torso that was once White diamonds ship but is clearly no longer used as such.

Soon, we entered a room i knew all too well, it was White diamonds room. I looked at the wall, seeing the pop of colors with the flowers and plants growing in a pretty pattern, standing out from all of the white in the room, another change i never thought I'd see with White diamonds ruling.

In the center of the room stood the exact diamond i wanted to see, she wasn't facing us, instead she was staring out of the large window. My heart sank as i saw a small pink head pop out from over White's shoulder.

White turned around as the small pink gem told her that she had guests. "Ah, Steven, it's wonderful seeing you, who's your new friend?"

Before Steven could answer, i stepped forward and answered "it's me...(y/-" i wanted to say my name but stopped myself, instead i told her my diamond "Black diamond" she was visibly startled when she heard what i said, she took a step back and held her hand over her chest in shock

", you were...shattered, i..." i shook my head and took another step toward her "i don't know what happened either...that's why i came here..."

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