Ultimate Defense

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If you can ask Y/n anything, what would it be?

No One POV:

It was at the academy as Iruka was doing some paper work. He closes one of his books as he sighs, standing up as he looks out through the window. 

'So his opponent is Neji.' Iruka recalled in his thought. 'These final rounds are nothing like the preliminaries, as Naruto will find out. If he hasn't already.' He analyze in his thought. 'But also Y/n, his match is against that Gaara.'

Naruto and Y/n smiling came to Iruka's head as he clenches his fist. 'Be careful you two.' Iruka hoped as he watches two birds flying.

Kabuto was walking at a branch before kneeling down. Below him is a member of the Anbu Black Ops, laying down as two kunais are pierced through their chest. Kabuto went towards their mask, taking it before smiling. 

"Put on a good show, will you, Naruto?" He ask as the sound of people cheering was heard in the background. "You know, I've got a tough job to do and I'd like to be entertained while I'm doing it."

It back at the arena as it show Neji and multiple shadow clones of Naruto. They yell as they charge towards Neji. Neji activates his Byakugan as one of the clone went for a punch, but was redirected. He move to the side as he attack another clone as they grunted.

Naruto stumble as Neji continue his offensive attack. Three Naruto decided to take offense as they charge at Neji. Neji however was able to counter their attack, redirecting their punches, as well has attacking with open spots.

"This is ridiculous. We're not even getting close to this guy." Naruto said as him and the other clones was sweating. "You think I can be fooled with a trick like that?" Neji smirked as he charge forward. He rush past the clones, 'Conjure all the clones you want. You can't hid from me.'

Neji went towards the Naruto at the end as he went for a chakra point towards Naruto's chest. Hinata gasps as Neji was able to hit it. "You're the one keeping out of range for fear of my striking your chakra points like this." Neji said as Naruto was shaking a little.

"The more the others attack, the more you stand out for holding back." Naruto coughed out little of his blood. All of the Naruto clones was disappearing as Neji was still smirking, while staring at him. "You're the real one, aren't you?"

"Naruto." Hinata said. "This match is over." One of the shinobi next to him stated. More and more of Naruto's clone was disappearing. "I told you it was pointless." Neji repeated.

Hinata started to cough a little. "No. Don't give up, Naruto." Hinata said as he cover his mouth from coughing.

Naruto started to laugh as he was looking at the ground. "Oh, yeah?" He look up as he was smirking while some blood was on his lip. "And I told you it was a mistake to count me out."

Neji gasp as Naruto disappeared, that Naruto was a clone. "But how?" Neji hears footsteps as he turn to see two Narutos yelling.

"All right!" Kiba cheered. "Way to go, Naruto!" He put his fist in the air. "Naruto." Hinata smile.

'He held one of his clones back to deceive me, to lure me into a trap.' Neji realize. "You thought I'd be too much of a chicken to attack you myself. Well, think again!" Naruto went for an attack as a small wall of chakra was out in the open. Hiashi squinted his eyes as he notice something.

The Narutos was grunting as more chakra was out, creating a circle. Neji spin around as he pushes them back. Hiashi was caught off guard as he know what Neji did. "But that's..."

One of Naruto's clone disappear as the real Naruto landed on the ground. There was a dig up circle around Neji, as Naruto was confuse by what he just saw. "Huh? What the heck was that?" Naruto ask as Neji smirk, "Did you really think you'd won?"

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