Chapter 128

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Sounds good.

Is his front teeth broken off?

I wish I could get them broken off.

I tried my best to shake off the candlestick, but I don't know if I was strong enough.


The Park Hyungsik staggered and covered his mouth.

I don't know the well-being of the candlestick, but he looked in painful anyway

I threw out a candlestick that did its job.

Then I took out the invitation that Park Hyungsik had delivered to me and tore it in half before his eyes.

As if throwing the torn invitation at the opponent, I said.

"Take it and get lost."

"Pri, Princess."

Oh, his pronunciation seems good.

Looks like his front teeth are okay.

I continued my words with regret over the strong teeth of Park Hyungsik.

"You're not leaving? Should I call someone and recite exactly what you just said to me?"


Park Hyungsik only scratched the bottom of the invitation on the floor.

Then he turned and hurried out.

I sighed long on the spot.

"Lady! What's the matter?"

As if they had heard the uproar, the employees approached and asked.

It sounded a bit loud when I threw the candlestick.

I tried to shake my head that it was nothing.

Then Sir Davery showed up with a stiff face, hushing out the employees.


"......It seems you just had a visitor, my lady."

Sir Davery seemed to have guessed the roughness of the situation just by the scoop that was rolling on the floor.

No, what kind of observer you are!

Of course, the position of the candlestick was too far away to accidentally drop it, and I couldn't have just gone mad by myself and thrown it.

"I'll be right back."

"No, wait a minute!"

I noticed Sir Davery was heading for the front door and quickly grabbed his sleeve.

His hard eyes turned on me.

"Who do you think you're going to catch?"

You're going out to get him now, right?

Sir Davery answered without hesitation.

"It hasn't been long since he went outside."

"But by now he must be mixed up by other people as well."

Although not yet, he will eventually run away while Sir Davery is on his way to catch him.

"Where did you hit with the candlestick at?"


"I'll check and drag him."


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