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"Class dismissed." The sound of students talking were heard. Lecture class was finally over.

"Kim Seokjin, you should get going." The professor said, looking directly at the tall, brown hair student.

"Sorry Professor, I was just finishing up my draft for my novel." Jin stopped writing and lifted his head up.

"I'm glad that you're very motivated in writing, but make sure that you also pay attention in my class." The professor stated.

"Yes, Professor. I'll get going now." Jin gathered all his paperworks and bowed.

Jin headed back to his dorm room. He didn't have a roommate yet but that didn't bother him. He quite enjoyed living by himself.

"Let's finish this draf-"

*knock knock*

The door opened to reveal an unfamiliar student, smiling sheepishly.

Jin smiled back and waved.

"Are you Kim Seokjin..?" The student placed his backpack down.

"Yep, that's me."

"I'm Jeon Jungkook." He bowed.

Jungkook started unpacking all his things, rummaging through all of his belongings

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Jungkook started unpacking all his things, rummaging through all of his belongings.

"Let me help you." Jin insisted, taking his clothes and putting them in the closet.

After they were finished, Jungkook glanced over the piles of paper on Jin's desk.

"What's all that?" He pointed at the messy piles while looking at Jin confusingly.

"Oh... haha, that's all of my drafts for my novel," Jin laughed awkwardly, "I'm planning to publish another novel. A story about a connection of the real world and the imaginary world. Pretty cool right?"

Jungkook chuckled while reading through all the drafts.

"Wow, these are really good ideas! Hyung, you're a fantastic writer."

"No need to call me Hyung." Jin crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows.

"But you look older than me." Jungkook said as he put down the papers.

Jin sighed and shook his head.

"Alright alright. Do whatever you want." He patted Jungkook on the back.

Jin went back to his desk, organizing all the messy piles of papers. Jungkook took out his laptop to check social media.

"What the— Hyung! Look at this!" Jungkook cried in shock.

Jin turned around and looked at him in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

Jin grabbed Jungkook's laptop to check. His eyes widened in fear as he read the social media post.

"7 students of BigHit University has recently passed away from a drug overdose."

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