NOTES (18)

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"I'm starting to feel like this is bigger than we thought." Sung-ho says.

"Even bigger than my dick." Leo exhales.

"Not you too." I groan and he smiles at me.

"Nothing's bigger than your dick, Daddy Leo." Sung-ho says.

"Yeah, Adriana knows from personal experience." Leo tilts his head to me, "Very personal."

"How big is it?" Sung-ho asks, turning to me.

I feel my face get red and look away, avoiding his question.

"Oh easily 13 inches long, 7 inches wide. An area of 91 inches squared." Leo says, smirking.

"Oooo that must have hurt, how badly did it hurt on a scale from 1-10?" Sung-ho asks.

"Oh, she was moaning in pain, so definitely an 11."

I elbow him in the gut, playfully.

"Oooo, call a medic, quick, she broke my 91 units squared dick!" He grunts.

"Guys focus." Sofía snaps from further in the house.

"We are focusing." Sung-ho protests.

"Yeah guys, focus." I say.

"Oh yeah, what were you focusing on when Leo was fucking you, the bird on the windowsill that recorded the sex tape that I have?" Sung-ho calls out.

No one laughs.

"Too far?" He mutters.

"Just a teeny bit." Adowa mutters back.

We all walk away from Sung-ho, and we go to Ben, who's still frozen, his eyes glued to the mess everywhere.

Sofía clears her throat, putting her hand on his shoulder. "Ben, it's okay-"

"It's not." He corrects, shrugging her hand off, "It's really not."

Sung-ho walks up to him, "C'mon man, we'll find them-"

"You all are joking about things that aren't even funny, while our parents are re fucking missing. Really missing." Ben snaps, his face turning red.

Ben begins to walk up the messy stairs, and we all follow.

"We know, but someones gotta keep everyone positive. That person is this guy." Sung-ho says as he wipes his finger on the stair railing, and blows the dust off his finger.

"You guys should dust once in a while." He remarks, slightly laughing.

Ben stops walking and faces him.

"Oh sorry, I kinda forgot to come back home and dust while we were busy running away from God knows what while our parents are fucking kidnapped."

Sung-ho snorts, "Yeah, right. Forget I said that, sorry."

"That's what I thought, you dirty little wet piece of dookie." Adowa snaps.

Ben lets out a shaky breath, "Let's just look for any kind of clue on how this all happened."

"Where?" I ask.

"My dad's office."

"Alright, let's go." Sofía starts walking ahead, up the stairs.

"Baby, you don't know where it is." Ben gives her a small smile while catching up to her.

"Then show me before we break up, dumbass."

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