19| The Blaze

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Truth be told, I wasn't tryna tell her or anybody about it because it had nothing to do with her and it's all cap

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Truth be told, I wasn't tryna tell her or anybody about it because it had nothing to do with her and it's all cap.

I just let it be and walked back into the restaurant, cause despite all of this a nigga was still starving.

As I walk back in, I still she Shanaya standing there, trying to make conversation, but everybody is just grinnin her.

"What the fuck are you still here for?" I said as I passed her, sitting back where I was.

"Now he talks. I told you I'm not leaving."

"Bitch what the fuck is your motive? You being mad fucking weird right now. It's giving fan behavior forreal." India sat up getting irritated.

"Mind your business bitch." She popped shit tryna be cute.

"You can watch who you calling a bitch, respectfully I don't even fucking know you which is why I will beat your ass right now, play with me if you want to." India said standing up tryna make her way to Shanaya.

"Do something then, pussy ass bitch." Shanaya shot back.

As soon as Shanaya said that, India was ready to fly over the fucking booth, but Seno grabbed her back down, forcefully stopping her.

"You better not start your shit either." I heard Nico said lowly to Sanaa as she sat there, contemplating if she gave a fuck what he said or not."

"Well, y'all boring and my time is up, the job is done. Tell Jayda I'll see her later." Shanaya said as she just pranced out of the restaurant.

"Y'all should've let me fuck her up. I don't do the disrespectful shit word." India said recapping everything.

"Chill she said she's pregnant." Seno said trying to calm India down.

"I literally give zero fucks. Plus a bitch who pregnant shouldn't fight, especially 3 months along? She's asking for a fucking miscarriage."  India said carelessly in anger.

I looked at Nico and Seno, then got back up to walk outside, cause something was sus. India had a point.

"My time is up, the job is done. Tell Jayda I'll see her later."

Before so could walk out the door, I seen her get into this black big body Suburban, with all tinted windows and already knew what this was. With no hesitation, I didn't even go outside, and just walked back to the table.

"We stay here any longer, niggas make they first move here. Grab y'all food and lets go." I said ready for whatever.

"Oh nah. Y'all bugging the fuck out if y'all think I'm not about to eat my damn food, after waiting all this damn time." Sanaa said sitting back down, tryna eat some food.

"Hungry ass, take it to go and eat it in the car."

"Remember you said that." Sanaa said pointing at Nico, getting tight. She faced forward again as she packed her food in the to go to trays that were on the table.

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