{Aged-up Adrienette 🔞}

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Slight smut-enough to be satisfied with......

"Adrien!" Marinette called as she opened his office door only to see him at his desk, again

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"Adrien!" Marinette called as she opened his office door only to see him at his desk, again. He hadn't moved since she last came in to have dinner with him. That was four hours ago.

Adrien raised his head from his computer for a brief moment to smile tiredly at his wife before swiftly looking back down. This is how it had been for the past month, and frankly, Marinette was over it. She knew Adrien didn't choose this, but still they hadn't seen as much of each other. Gabriel had undergone a major rebranding, and while Marinette had been there to assist Adrien, she also had a significant amount of designing and supervising to do on her own.

However, that wasn't what bothered her. Marinette had joyous news: she was pregnant. She could help but be overly excited. No, she and Adrien had not been trying to have a baby, but she would never regret their child.

When she found out, her mind raced with all the possible ways she could tell Adrien. She had finally settled on a gift box with the pregnancy test in it all wrapped up and placed into a cute bag. Yes, she could have done something more creative, but it was already four in the afternoon and Adrien would soon be home.

Normally they leave at the same time, but today she was feeling unwell. Although Adrien offered to take her home, she had a gut feeling she knew why she was suddenly ill, and well, you know how that ended.

She waited nervously-excited on the couch and watched as the time went from five to six on the clock. At six o'clock, Adrien called and sadly explained that some issues had come up with one of their business partners and that his father needed him to take care of it. Marinette's heart sank with almost all of her excitement. Yes, she could have told him to come home, but that would have been selfish of her.

She knew Adrien would be a while at work from experience when she would stay with him to finish his work. She frowned. Adrien had said not to bother and wait for him, but how could she not? Adamantly, she hid the bag in her closet and went to take a bath. If he came home sooner than she anticipated, it would be there. But if not, she didn't think it was sanitary to keep the test in there for a long time and would throw it out.

Afterward, she made a cup of tea and decided to scroll on the internet.  Eight o'clock came and went, still no Adrien, she sighed as she made her way to the fridge to eat some dinner. The test was of no use anymore.


Marinette didn't even know she fell asleep until she felt soft caresses on her cheek. Pulling her face away from the ticklish sensation, she opened her eyes to see the tiredness and love swimming in Adrien's eyes. She smiled at him and received a tired but genuine one back.

"Love, I told you not to wait up," Adrien whispered as he tucked away a strand of hair from her beautiful face.

She moved forward to kiss his cheek before his lips. "I can't sleep knowing I'm home and you're miserable there." 

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