Chapter 9

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They were sat on the porch having a drink, by the time they got back Tim had gone home.
"Hey Ty, I have a Question for you, Would you want to wait till after the Tour to get Married or Get Married before I go on the Tour".
"Do you have a preference Amy because I honestly don't mind either way, get married before and shut your Dad up or when you get back and put up with him trying to follow you all over the US cities".
I'd like to get married in 2 weeks and have two weeks together before I go".
"Okay miss Fleming a wedding in two weeks is a definite ".
"I'll text Lou and get her out here".

"Well that was Lazy, sending me a text message ".
"Well I'm  comfortable where I Am now Dad's gone".
"Yeah, he's actually getting worse with the controlling issue ".
"That's why we wanted to see you, to ask if you'll do our SMALL Wedding in 2 Weeks, please. We want to shut Dad up especially as Ty will be joining me twice during the Tour so we want to be Married then he can't say anything ".
"I have to say that it's a good Idea, but are you getting the wedding you want or Just a make do to shut Dad up".
"We wanted a small wedding anyway and Soraya and Ashley are already here, Ty's friends aren't to far away are they Ty".
" No, so I can't see a problem".
"Okay, let's get it planned".

The following day they put Jack, Lisa, Georgie in the picture as to why they
we're getting married  except Katie who would probably let it slip.
"What you really mean is that your being forced to get married to Shut Tim up and let you have a quiet life".
"Well, sort of Grampa but we were going to get married after the Tour and we would only see each other twice during that time but Dad's making such a big hypocritical fuss about Ty spending 2 weeks twice in 6 Months while I'm on tour that getting married before I go would shut him up".
"Shut who up".
They all looked at Tim who'd walked in and almost in unison shouted "YOU".
"ME, what have I done now".
Ty and Amy dissappear onto the Porch.
"I'll tell you what you've done. Yesterday you were having a go at Amy and Ty, because Ty was going to visit her on tour,,,  "That ain't happenin".
You can't try to Control her Tim, your going to push her futher away from you, she's an Adult Tim, and she already said your making a Hypocritical Fuss".
"How am I Being a Hypocrite ".
"Well dad I doubt you and Casey play Scrabble all night when you stay over do you, that's being a Hypocrite when your doing what you don't want Amy and Ty doing ".
"I'm her father and I'm older".
"Yeahhh a Lot older Dad".
"Hey, Amy will have to do as I say".
"Well Tim at the end of next week it won't really matter anymore will it".
"Woah, hang on Jack, what you on about".
"It's quite straight forward,  your making all this fuss even though there Engaged, so the've brought the Wedding forward to the end of next week ".
"Ohhh No,  she's too young to get married yet".
"Make your mind up Dad".
"Jeez he is giving me a headache ".

Tim walked out and saw Amy and Ty on the Porch, "Hey you two, your not getting married till I say so, your too young Amy".
"No I'm not, and as an ADULT I will get married when I want too, not when you say I can or not".
"I will not allow this wedding to happen ".
"You have to spoil everything don't you, control and Push,  control and Push. We'll you can't stop us or should
I say Me..".
Amy spoke into Ty's ear and he Jumped off the porch then over the Fence and then drove off. Amy walked towards the mud room door but Tim was seething and grabbed Amy as she walked past him.
Amy hit the wall by the kitchen window where Tim held her, "don't be doing anything stupid now Amy, cause it'll be Ty who takes the punishment , and if he doesn't survive , well that will be your fault".
"Don't you threaten my Fiance Dad, I can play that game as well, Just so your forewarned".

To be continued

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