10. Super Watermelon Island

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Steven's P.O.V.

The drill for the cluster was coming along greatly. It was just going to take another hour or so until it was finished. So I decided to take a nap as the gems finished working. But while I was napping, I ended up in the body of a watermelon Steven. I was confused as to how it happened, or how it was even possible to do it.

I wasn't sure if it was another one of my mom's powers or not. But I must have ended up in this body for some reason. And so, I decided to take a look around to see where I was. But it so was weird since the last time I saw a watermelon Steven, they almost destroyed the gems. I even tried to call out to anyone, only to be shocked that nothing but seeds had come out.

Then the ground suddenly started to shake, which had caused me to fall to the ground. Then I could here a dog barking, and saw a melon dog come from a nearby bush. I had a feeling that it would help me, so I decided to follow the melon dog. After a few minutes, it lead me to a community that was made of all the watermelon Steven's.

It looked like the watermelon Steven's made a nice farming village. And I was glad that they seemed to be doing really good for themselves. But then I was surprised that they were farming small watermelon Steven's. And when they were done, I saw several be brought to other watermelon Steven's to be raised into families.

So as I made my way through the village, I was in awe. It looked like all of the  watermelon Steven's were living normal lives. Some were even dancing, drumming, and playing hacky sack too. And the melon dog lead me to a statue in the village center. And I was in complete shock to see that it was the baby melon. It also looked like one of the older one's were teaching some young one's about it too.

That's when the ground began to shake once again. Then a watermelon Steven hit a gong which caused the others to all stop. Then every watermelon Steven came to the statue. And it just left me confused as to what was going on here. Then the watermelon Steven's all put a finger where there nose would be, even the melon dog too.

I had no idea if this was some sort of traditional thing or not. But then the older watermelon Steven had poked me with its staff. Then a few watermelon Steven's painted a star on my chest and put a flower crown on my head. And I was then put onto a makeshift thrown carrier and brought to a cliff.

I was then sat down on the ground as the watermelon Steven's ran off to hide. None of this was making any sense to me at all. Then the group shoke again, and I thought it was the cluster. But I was wrong, because raising from the ocean was Malachite. And when she saw me, she got angry and tried to break free from here chains.

A/n: Just so you guys know, (J) will obviously mean Jasper and (L) will obviously mean Lapis. It's just to help you guys know which part of Malachite is talking.

Malachite(J): Steven....

That's when Malachite, or maybe Jasper, at me. Then I had woken up in a cold sweat and was terrified. I knew that Lapis wasn't going to be able to hold out much longer. And I started to get really worried about her too. Then I saw the others by the drill, and it looks like the shaking ground made them become concerned.

Y/n: Did you guys feel that?

Amethyst: Feel what?

Lightning: The ground shoke.

Peridot: Oh my stars, this could be the beginning of the emergence of the cluster. Stage one: slight tremors every quarter hour, stage two: full scale earthquakes, stage 3: the earth is DESTROYED!

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