😔Close to me😔

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Losing someone close to you
Hurts you the most

It feels like a stab
Even worst
It is my only fear
And the biggest one of all

I couldn't loose you
It was too lateeee
For me to tell you
How much I truly cared
To show my loveeee

I hid my pain
But cried silently
Sleepless nights for weeks
Because you were always on my mind

I couldn't get over it
I was designing
Dropped my laptop
Hearing the news
Panicked and rushed

The faces of my families
Crying and screaming
I fell apart
But I didn't shed a tear

I didn't feel anything
I was empty
They called me emotionless
No expression on my face

I stayed strong for you
For you
I didn't wanted to break down
For you
Your children
The last one that never saw you
The one I will forever feel responsible for

I am breaking inside
But strong on the outside
I cry when I am alone
But be happy when I am with family

It is reality
I won't see you again
Someone I trusted the most
Someone I could ask for advice for anytime

I give up hoping you would live
So I just said my goodbyes
Not caring how hard it
Deep down

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