Mila - To Kill A Monster

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Reviewer: Mila_333

Review: To Kill A Monster

Client: RBishop152



The blurb definitely has elements which make the story appear enticing and adventurous. However, the blurb does contain some grammatical mistakes and misses some important punctuation marks. I suggest you edit the blurb because leaving grammatical mistakes on the blurb itself does not really give a good image to readers. The blurb is the second thing a person reads in a story, the first being the title, and as they say: "The first impression is the last impression." Hence, this saying corresponds totally to the effect a blurb has.


The title relates to the plot which is a good thing. However, I feel like you can make your title more alluring to grab readers' attention. I also felt like it was too simple for the book's content. I would rate it as a four out of 10 since you could have come up with something more interesting, unique and definitely something more creative. Also, instead of using the word monster you could have used something such as 'demonic monster' since the story is mostly about demons. This is only a suggestion and it doesn't have to be this way.


The cover does have a spooky and shady vibe which relates a lot to the plot. I also really like the fact that it contains a dark road that matches the main characters' journey to kill Virico, which is a very interesting and creative way to have the cover. The dark color is well suited; however, I would suggest you put your name at the bottom of the cover since the font used to write the title is making your Author name less clearly visible.


The story took off in a very good way and you sure knew how to keep your readers interested. Since this book can be classified in the supernatural theme, there had to be a lot of explaining to do regarding the different beings, that is demons, witches, half breeds, etc. And, you ensured all the information was provided to the audience and not once did I sense any kind of confusion regarding to the plot. You showed a very good way of keeping your readers hooked at the very beginning, especially in the scene where Grace's friend told her about Virico's appearance in her dream. I really enjoyed it and was hooked to know about the rest. Now, the thing is, since you have already made your readers excited and have certainly set the bar high at the very beginning, it is primordial to maintain that standard level throughout the story and most importantly ensure a very impactful climax.

Unfortunately, in my opinion, the rest of the story was not up to what you initiated in the beginning. Yes, it was fun to read but I expected so much more because I initially recognized the potential you had to make this a great story. For example, at first, you made us believe how much Virico were demonic and vilely powerful and the way you showed it was extremely impactful. Hence, I obviously expected the scene to be more intense when they found Virico. Apart from the description of the cave, the scene lacked seriousness by all means. It was extremely unrealistic and stupidly funny when they carried Virico's coffin on the car. This really went to a whole different level, contradicting the super amazing effect the story had at the initial stage to the effect it held at the end. Moreover, there was a lack of description when they found the coffin. It almost felt as if they were doing something they usually do all the time. Since all the team members played important roles individually, you could have added their own description in relation to the demon. The scene went by so fast and had little impact, leaving your audience with less satisfaction. Only Grace's fear could be felt among the others.

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