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Jimin was sat up on the balcony, eating breakfast looking down at the others , they seemed to be all having fun with the shoot , the girls wore sun hats swimsuits and oversized sunglasses and high heels, posing holding cocktails showing off rings, then leaning back on a lounger showing funky necklaces, raising their wet hair to show earrings adorning their ears, it looked like a fun vibe.
Jungkook was so into it he didn't notice the admiring glances from a table further back holding two young women until during a break one of them walked over to him gesturing to their table , he looked over shaking his head then as he turned away the woman held his arm obviously trying to cajole him into going with her, he looked at his watch then nodded letting the woman slip her hand through his arm as he smilingly walked to the table sitting between the two ladies.
Jimin watched from above, for some reason seeing him flirting with the women hurt.
His phone rang, the sound echoing down below making Jungkook look up, Jimin could see him pull his hand away from the shoulder of one of the women.
They stared at each other as Jimin took the call,
"Hello sir , this is detective Ho from the other day,"
"Oh hi,"
"This is a request from the defendant, you do not have to do it but he is requesting you talk to him before court tomorrow also the prosecutor would like a few words could you possibly come down, if so I can send a car?"
"D-do you know why he wants to talk?"
"I can imagine to try and get you to drop charges but I cannot say for sure."
Jimin sighed, if he was to talk to the prosecutor he may as well talk to Chanyeol.
" ok I'll come,"
"I can have a car there in fifteen minutes is that ok?
Agreeing Jimin ended the call. Glancing down he saw Jungkook laughing with the women.
He stood up wincing before going into the room to dress properly and make his way downstairs  where he was met and taken away.

Jungkook looked up to the balcony, frowning when he saw it empty, had Jimin gone to lie down?
He remembered earlier when he'd looked up to see Jimin watching him , why he'd felt awkward he didn't know, so whereas before he knew Jimin he would probably gone up to the womens room he had just chatted and laughed with them before returning to work.
The shoot had gone well finishing well ahead of time.Jungkook shook hands with the models and their staff , making sure the jewellery was back in the safe hands of the owners then telling his two staff to pack up when ready and catch the train as he'd decided him and Jimin would be travelling back by car so Jimin could feel comfortable. He helped the two pack everything up and it was collected half an hour later to be sent on ahead.
He went up to the room, going in he couldn't see Jimin so he knocked on the bathroom door," Jimin?"
Not a sound, he turned the handle opening the door but the room was empty. Where was he?
Going downstairs again he was walking through reception looking for Jimin, the manager was passing, he stopped Jungkook," hello sir, I hope Mr Park is feeling better, he looked in pain when the police car picked him up."
"Police car? How long ago?"
The manager told him, jungkook was about to leave when he turned to ask if his room was available for another night, being assured that it was Jungkook thanked him then got a taxi to the police station .
Seeing the detective he was looking for just about to walk out he stopped him.
"Hello Detective Ho, I understand Jimin is here? Is there a problem?"
"Ah Mr Jeon , he was here but he and the prosecutor went to the coffee shop across the road after he'd spoken to the defendant......,ah that man is a piece of work blames Jimin for everything, he looked upset when he came out."
Jungkook  thanked him , then crossed the road to the coffee shop, going in he saw Jimin sitting with a man who was obviously trying to make a point his hand on Jimins shoulder as the small boy looked down.
The two looked up as Jungkook stood there.
"Oh Kookie,er I mean Jungkook, why are you here?"
Jungkook noticed the slip of his name and inwardly smiled, holding his hand out to the other male he introduced himself.
"Oh your the boyfriend Chanyeol was moaning about,"
"He's not," Jimin started but Jungkook butted in," yes that's right."
" then perhaps you can persuade Jimin here not to drop the charges, I'm the prosecutor the case is fairly solid but after Chanyeol spoke to him Jimin is hesitating."
"Jimin, why would you do that, from what you've told me it's not the first time, if he gets away with it whose to say he won't do it to someone else?"
"Is that true Jimin has he assaulted you before?"
Jimin felt himself hyper ventilate , he twisted his fingers agitatedly, his breathing painful, then a hand came in his back instantly calming him," it's ok Jimin calm down,"
"I'm sorry, he always managed to fill me with Guilt, it was my fault he got angry, he only hit me because I made him by questioning him, I'm not normally someone who would stand for that but I let him, I feel guilt for not being the person he wanted and guilt for allowing myself to be a victim."
"Jimin he's a manipulator, he took any sign of weakness as something he could use, you obviously thought you were in love and he used that against you," the prosecutor said," I know this will be hard but we should win, it's a shame you don't have evidence of other altercations, it would help the case a lot more."
"I-I do," Jimin said.
Pulling his phone out he clicked onto a file and showed it to the prosecutor, the man looked glancing at Jimin shaking his head at what he saw," can you send this to me so I can print it out?" Why weren't charges brought then?"
"I caved into him, he took me to the hospital, the doctor told me he knew what had happened because of the prints around my neck,said if I wouldn't press charges he'd photograph them and sign a report for me to keep,in case I changed my mind."
"And now?"
Jimin sighed," your right he needs to be stopped, I don't have to be there do I ?"
"we have all the evidence now, it should be easy, but, his lawyer wants you there for questioning if necessary."
Jimin nodded starting to stress again, the prosecutor stood up to leave shaking their hands and saying he would see them tomorrow at 9.30.
Jimin sat down again rubbing his head feeling a headache coming on.
"Why didn't you call me to go with you to the station,"
"Why should you, you were.....busy last time I looked,"
Jungkook knew when that was ," Jimin they were just interested in the shoot I didn't do anything with them."
"Why do you think you have to explain to me? "
" I don't know I just...."
"What you do is your business I have no say in it, so you don't have to tell me anything remember your just playing at being my boyfriend."
Jungkook looked at the other boy seeing pain in his eyes his body slumping," Maybe I want to be your boyfriend, take care of you."
"Sure you do, just like you wanted to go to a room with those girls, you can't have everything you want and don't play with peoples feelings, anyway don't you need to pack and go, I'll try and get another room, "he stood up walking out Jungkook straight behind him," grabbing the boys arm he pulled him to him,swallowing a sorry when he saw him wince.
" what are y...." Jimin started when a pair of lips met his, kissing passionately," I want you Jimin and when your better I'll have you, don't doubt I have feelings for you, " he kissed him again then hailing a taxi they got back to the hotel, jungkook explaining he'd booked the room for longer and they would travel back by car later tomorrow .
Jimin by this time had an awful headache, searching in his bag he found some tablets swallowing them down before curling up on the bed, jungkook stared at him before slipping onto the bed in front of Jimin, he rubbed the others back massaging his neck to take the pain away, before long Jimin was asleep and Jungkook sat and worried about how the next days court case would treat Jimin.

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