Aragons (T)

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Aragons written by earlfangs

Aragons written by earlfangs

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Your cover is excellent. The colours, the picture, the fonts--it's all excellent. But I have some things to say. For one, your subtitle is all capitalized on the specific words, and I don't really think that looks clean. Especially since it's a full sentence, I'd recommend capitalizing the beginning letter and nothing else. When I read your first chapter, I found the very first cover you had there to be far more eye-catching and professional--even though they're both amazing. The first one just comes off a bit more polished.

Your title, although unique, doesn't really do much for me. It doesn't have me wondering what it means or really drawing me in. It's a very good title, but there's potential for it to be better and more captivating in my opinion.


It is...very difficult for me to critique this blurb. It's short, it's sweet, it's dramatic, and it wouldn't be any better if I rewrote it for you. But you are missing a comma after 'healer' there.

1 3 / 1 5


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Conjunctions, also known as words such as 'and', 'but', 'as', etc. are powerful tools in sentences, but they have a tricky connection with commas. But it's not really all that tricky--as long as you get your information from a place that won't complicate it (That's me!). 

Put simply: When a conjunction is used to separate two clauses, no comma is placed before the conjunction if one of the clauses is dependent. If both are independent, a comma is placed before the conjunction.

A quick reminder:

An independent clause is the part of a sentence that stands alone. Independent clauses contain a subject and verb.

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