Chapter 50

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"This is so lame. I can't believe you're making them return all the candy." Pietro grumbled as you walked with him and the kids in the street as the sun had set.

"I can't believe what a bad influence you are." Wanda scolded shocked.

"Uncle P, guess what?" Tommy raced back over with Billy, excitement clear in his voice.

"They've got full-size candy bars a few blocks up. Mom, can we go?" Billy begged with his brother. Tommy suddenly raced off in a blue blur before holding up two candy bars proudly.

"Next stop, Cavity Town!" Tommy claimed as you and your siblings stared in amazement and excitement.

"Right on, little dude! Chip off the old Maximoff block, you've got super-speed!" Pietro clapped as he cheered proudly.

"I do?" Tommy asked happily.

"Yeah!" The two high five at their shared powers.

"It's okay, baby, you can- You can take it slow, you can--" Wanda started as he raced around the street. She showed an unamused look while you and Pietro looked around watching him. Wanda suddenly pulled him to a stop with her powers to make him listen to her words. "If you're gonna break the sound barrier, please just take your brother with you." She told him.

"Really?" Billy grew excitemed.

"Really?" Tommy sighed.

"Really! And please just remember to--" Wanda started.

"Don't go past Ellis Avenue." The twins finished for her, having heard the speech a thousand times before.

"We know, Mom. We know." Tommy told her before taking his brothers hand and racing off into the night.

"Hey! Be careful..." Wanda shouted at them.


"Over here." Clint called the group over towards an empty tent set up on the base.

"We shouldn't hang out here too long." Natasha warned, all of them going inside from the rain that had started.

"Uh, give me two seconds. I just need to hack into the secure network on the base." Darcy pulled up the computer and started typing away at it. "Donezo. Now, we should be able to access the data on Hayward's devices. Oh. That's interesting." She commented, looking quizzically at the screen. "Guys, Hayward figured out a way to look through the boundary." She reported to them all, catching their attention.

"And he didn't share it with the group." Natasha noted as they moved to look at her screen.

"Is this Wanda right here?" Jimmy asked pointing to a dot on the screen that was being tracked.

"No. The program is tracking the decay signature of vibranium." Darcy explained.

"Vision. Wait. Why is Hayward tracking Vision?" Clint questioned in confusion.

"I don't know. This is all I can access so far." Darcy said.

"These other dots, those are Westview residents?" Jimmy asked.

"The ones in Vision's immediate vicinity, yeah." Darcy continued typing to get more information.

"Hayward must have an accurate headcount by now." Clint thought.

"Hmm. And some sense of their well-being." Natasha continued to look.

"Huh... These people, near the edge of town... They're barely moving. Are they alive?" Clint worried for their safety and the extreme situation they had discovered. The monitor beeped and they watched as Visions tracker turned down a street.

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