Meeps - Rebirth

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"You idiot! You should have told us how you felt! You shouldn't have lied to us! You should have never had said that you were okay when you weren't! We care about you, we really do! But you... you just refused to believe it! How do you know that we were neglecting you? How do you not know if you were the reason why you felt left out! Just hiding and letting yourself succumb into depression instead of getting help?!"

1st translation

"You're an idiot! You should have told us how you feel! You shouldn't have lied to us! You shouldn't have said you were okay when you weren't! We care about you, really! Notes. just refused to believe it! How do you know that we neglect you? How do you not know that you were the reason that you felt deprived! Just hiding and letting yourself get depressed instead of getting help ?! "

Ah yes, note taking causes immense depression

2nd translation

"You are an idiot! You could tell us how you feel! You shouldn't have lied to us! You didn't say you were okay when you weren't! We really care about you! Mark. . . You just didn't believe it! How do you know we're ignoring you? How do you know that you're the reason? you felt deprived! Just hiding and depressed and depressed for help?!"

Who's Mark?

Yes, Mark was depressed with a side of depressed.

Keyblade Legends (Ember's Trilogy) Quotes TranslatedWhere stories live. Discover now