Chapter 4: working and resting

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Y/n POV:
One week passed, since pandemonica arrived. The demon managed to get to the regular state and begin to work properly. Poor thing was working hardly  from morning to late rvening with only brakes for food. It was also revealed for me, that pandemonica has her second side activated by caffeine, making her a true demon. In military they taught me, that my safety is first place, so I would mostly leave her alone with coffee, yet still threat of broken fingers is real at some percent. And at evening her tired side apears again. When being tired monica is kind and sleepy like no other being. Sometimes she would sit with me and watch tv, before falling asleep on me, so I take her to the bedroom and lay her down.

I work as well, sitting on computer or sometimes going to office for hour or two.
Yet working for 8 hours weekdays are quite profitable, with adequate payment for living. And At evening I rest, by playing on my guitar or watching tv shows.

I shouldn't think much about it I should go back to work...

Timeskip, Narrator:
And the evening came, as the both inhabitants finished their work. Y/n areived first and picked his guitar up and started to play.

Little he noticed, the demon was watching and listening to him playing all the time he was playing the song.
"Good evening, sir." Pandemonica sat next to Y/n.
"Oh hello, was your work successful today?"
"Yeah... I managed to do everything I had to today."
"Good. I guess coffee was good today." Y/n smiled
"It was... yet I felt quite good anyways. It was something more than coffee..." Pandemonica looked up
"Hm?" Y/n rised his eyebrow
"I must say, you made me feel like someone else, than a overworking secretary. It feels, like I'm a real person, somebody cares about. Thank you. Thank you for caring for me."
Pandemonica smiled.
"I'm glad you enjoy your time."

The both remained silent, untill pandemonica decided to ask one thing.
"I seen, that you are troubled by something, that makes you... uncomfortable. A bad memory perhaps. Can I know the truth?"
Y/n looked down unsure what to say.
"It's nothing..."
"Hm? You sure?"
"Y- yes. Listen It's getting late... maybe it's time for you tonget some rest?"

Pandemonica was purely confused by his reaction. It was obvious, that Y/n was hiding some memories from her. Bad memories...

something more than coffee (pandemonica x reader)Where stories live. Discover now