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I put my book down and checked my phone for the millionth time in the past hour, hoping he had messaged me.

He didn't.

And it was getting late. I should go to bed. I was so tired do everything.

I have one more therapy session tomorrow before the holidays then after that I'm supposed to bring Ace on the date but I don't know if he still wants to.

He seemed mad earlier. Angry. Well not at me but still. He probably needs space.

I placed the book back on my bedside table and turned off the lamp. I grabbed my earphones and plugged them in. Choosing my favourite playlist, I pressed play and laid down and pulled the covers over me and relaxed to the background sound of rain and my music.

I slowly closed my eyes and pushed the thought of Ace out of my mind. I needed to stop overthinking.

Eventually I fell asleep.


I heard a loud noise coming from my window, I sat up from my bed and looked over. Not surprised when it was Ace.

He always does this.

He told me he didn't like staying at his home because he didn't like his dad. I understood that, I didn't like mine either.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?" he asked. I rolled my eyes.

"I was then you showed up." he laughed.


"It's whatever, is everything thing okay?"

"Yeah, can I stay tonight?" I nodded.

"You always do, why are you asking now?"

"I don't know." I laughed.

"Well, of course you can." I wasn't worried if my mom or dad found out that Ace was staying over, they're too busy arguing to notice anyways.

He smiled and walked into my bathroom to change, he brought his backpack with all the things he needed. He came back into my room and laid down next to me.

"Make sure you stay on your-"

"Side. I know. Don't worry." I rolled my eyes and put a pillow in between us like I always do.

"Goodnight Ace."

"Night sweet cheeks."

"Ew I told you to stop calling me that you idiot." He started calling me that because apparently I have a sweet tooth. It doesn't even make sense.

But I guess I call him Acey so he gets to make up a nickname for me too.

"It's funny."

"No it isn't. You're not funny."

"Don't lie." I turned around to face away form him.

"Goodnight." I repeated. He started laughing quietly at my frustration.

"I hope you dream about me."

"I won't."

I did.


I walked into the building, dreading this therapy session. I was in one of the worst moods ever and Ace still hadn't messaged me.

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