12). "Your last name's pretty. Mind if I steal it?" ✬

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plot - Y/N and Florence have been dating for the last year and a half and Y/N finally gets the courage to propose.


Y/N paces across the kitchen of her shared apartment with her girlfriend, Florence. The two of them had been dating for nearly two years, having been friends for three years prior. She had been planning on asking Florence to marry her for the last few months, but she wasn't quite sure how to do so. Tonight was the night that Florence would be returning from the press tour for Black Widow, so Y/N had planned to do it once she got home. Just as she finishes up with dinner, the front door shuts, causing Y/N to grip the ring box in her pocket and take a deep breath before going to greet her girlfriend. 

"Baby!" Florence squeals, running into Y/N's open arms and wrapping her legs around Y/N's waist as she smiles down at her.

 "I missed you, my love," Y/N smiles as Florence lets out a soft giggle before closing the distance between them and pressing her lips onto hers. 

After standing there and sharing a few kisses, Y/N sets Florence back onto her feet as she looks over at Y/N, "It smells divine in here. Are you cooking something?"

 Y/N nods as she takes Florence's hand into her own before leading her into the kitchen with her, "I wanted to surprise you. I knew you'd probably be too tired to cook tonight, so I took it upon myself. And don't worry, I followed your instructions on the recipe card." 

This causes Florence to laugh as she does a quick taste test on the Ratatouille, giving her girlfriend a proud smile, "And what a great job you did, my love." 

Y/N rests her hands on Florence's hips before pulling her closer, smiling down at her girlfriend, "I'll set the table and then we can eat."

After dinner, Florence excused herself to be able to change into a comfier set of clothes as Y/N cleaned up. Now she stood in the kitchen, trying her best not to chicken out of the whole plan, but her nerves are quickly chased away as Florence reappears in the doorway. She looked absolutely radiant without make-up, her hair pinned up in a messy bun as she makes her way over to Y/N. 

"Can we cuddle?" Florence asks as she wraps her arms around Y/N's waist, burying her face in the crook of her neck as Y/N hugs her back. It's now or never, Y/N thinks.

"Actually," Y/N says as she pulls away, leaving Florence with a slightly confused look on her face as she raises a brow. "Before we cuddle, there's something I wanted to say. Florence, my love, knowing you these last five years and dating you for the last two has been the best years of my life. Baby, I don't ever want to lose you, ever," Y/N continues, reaching into her pocket and pulling out the small white ring box as Florence gasps softly, her green eyes immediately filling with tears as she watches Y/N get down on one knee. "Florence Rose Pugh, will you make me the happiest girl in the world and be my forever?" 

"Baby, of course I will," Florence replies as she smiles, letting the tears fall as Y/N slips the ring onto Florence's finger. Florence leans down and cups Y/N's face as she pulls her in for a loving and passionate kiss, Y/N's arms slipping around her waist as she stands up and lifts Florence off the ground, their lips never parting from one another. 

"I love you, Flossie," Y/N's smile beams brightly as she rests her forehead against her girlfriend's, Florence's hands resting on Y/N's cheeks as she smiles back up at her.

"I love you more, princess," Florence replies, wrapping her arms around Y/N's neck as she stands on her tip-toes slightly to kiss Y/N's nose, causing Y/N to let out a soft giggle.

"Now how about those cuddles?" Y/N asks as Florence nods, leading Y/N over to the couch as she cuddles into her, her arms wrapping around Y/N's waist. Y/N kisses the top of her head as they sit there and watch television. She couldn't wait to spend the rest of her life doing this with the one person she loved most.

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