Ch 3- Welcome back To the Burrow

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"Hello, Adelaide, Hermione!" Mrs Weasley said as they arrived at the Burrow.

Mrs. Weasley hugged them ever so tightly and ushered them to the table. Ginny came bounding down the stairs and threw herself at them. "Ginny!" Adelaide cried as she hugged her back.

"Excited to see Harry?" Adelaide whispered in her ear, making Ginny go as red as her hair.

"Shut up" she whispered back, blushing furiously. Hermione who had heard it smacked Adelaide lightly on her shoulder, but even she was grinning knowingly at Ginny.

"Stop it," Ginny whined as the two girls giggled.

Adelaide looked around at the table. There were Charlie and Bill Weasley sitting across her.

"Charlie," he said shaking Adelaide's hand smiling.

"Adelaide Gracia," she said as she smiled.

"Hermione Granger, nice to meet you," she said as he shook her hand. Bill Weasley smiled at them as he introduced himself.

Charlie had burns and blisters all over his hands and there was a shiny-burn mark on his upper arm. Bill was working at Gringotts. He looked like the definition of cool. He was wearing his long hair in a ponytail, and his clothes looked like the 90s rock fashion. Oh, wait. It was the 90s. He was wearing an earing which looked like a fang.

"Is that dragon hide?" Adelaide asked as she noticed Bill's boots.

"Yeah!" he said proudly.


"Why, not your style?" Bill said.

"No, I like it quite a bit. But I was wondering if any dragons were actually harmed? You know how muggles kill animals for their fur and scales.."

"No. A dragon wasn't harmed for these bad boys" Bill said as he slapped his boots slightly.

"That's good then," Adelaide said, now admiring the boots.

The mention of dragons had brightened up Charlie.

"You like dragons?" Charlie asked learning forward.

"Are you kidding me? Dragons are amazing!" Adelaide said happily.

Hermione sighed. Adelaide's liking for dangerous creatures was almost as much as Hagrid's.

"The danger-seeking one isn't she," Bill aid to Hermione who nodded, sighing.

"She reads loads of books, like Hermione. But Adelaide's kinda cooler and weird," Ron said as he sat down on the chair beside Hermione.

"They must be hard to deal with," Adelaide said looking at his burns

"Could say so. Especially the females," Charlie said

"That too when they are with their eggs," Adelaide added.

"Oh, tell me about it!" Charlie said, agreeing with her.

"Great, now we have two dragon crazy people in the family," Ron whispered to Hermione and Bill. 

Ron was not a good whisperer. Adelaide heard that and her heart had skipped a beat. He had said two people in the family. They considered her family! Adelaide couldn't help but smile. Charlie who noticed this grinned slightly as he leaned back in his chair.

"Come on, Ron," Mr Weasley called.

"We're coming too" Fred and George yelled as they ran down the stairs.

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