Going forward

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Jungkook was on his phone to Tae asking Jimins address as the boy was still asleep.
"Why don't you ask him?"
"He's asleep."
"There's a lot been going on Tae,"
" what are you talking about?"
"I can't tell you the whole story it's Jimins to tell."
"Did you do something?!"
"What no! His ex,"
"Now your irritating me what's his ex got to do with anything?"
"Shhh, stop shouting he'll wake up(sigh) his ex turned up something happened that's all I'm telling you!"
".......is he ok, wait...., I'll go round later," he told him Jimins address which Jungkook gave to the driver arriving there twenty minutes later, Jungkook knew the area as Tae lived nearby.
Gently waking the boy he told him they had arrived. Jimin yawned looking around he saw they were at his place, Jungkook told the driver to wait and helped take Jimins luggage in.
"Thank you for bringing me back, I'll see you at work tomorrow ,"
"Jimin I had to ask Tae for your address, I had to let him know your ex turned up nothing more it's your story to tell but he didn't understand why I was letting you sleep.sorry"
Jimin sighed knowing Tae would be on his doorstep later." That's ok, he's my friend, maybe I should have told him the truth sooner."
"Jimin it's Friday tomorrow take the day off to rest come back on Monday , I insist."
Jimin nodded then watched as Jungkook went back to the car and was driven off.
An hour and a half later and Tae turned up a bag of food in one hand beers in the other.
"Right spill the tea, Jiminee," he said as they sat down to eat.
Forty minutes later and Jimin had told him everything about his relationship with Chanyeol, the abuse and the hotel incident leading to the court case.
Tae just stared at him making Jimin fidget until,"you think I was wrong taking him to court don't you......,I'm horrible I knew it, no wonder he cheated on me......"
" Jimin...no no,I'm just,I'm so sorry I wasn't their for you!"
They hugged each other but Jimin winced," shit let me see,"Tae said lifting Jimins shirt to see the purple bruise under his ribs. " that bastard!"
"Did you know Jungkook stayed with me the whole time, he's not the dick you said he was,"
"Really? Maybe something or someone's changed him," he grinned at the smaller boy.
Jimin blushed then handed the other another beer and for the rest of the evening they drank and binge watched their favourite programme, Tae staying over as was normal for them even though he lived not far away.
"Jimin this is the time for you to move forward get on with your life find someone who appreciates you"
" I don't know I don't seem to be a good judge of character do I ?"
" he was a shithead not everyone is like that."
Jimin yawned," let's go to sleep it's been a stressful day."
"Ok my little moochi,let's cuddle,"
Jimin laughed, "you don't change"
"I like cuddles!"
They both went to sleep , glad to have talked everything out.

Jungkook had waited for Tae to call him last night but nothing.
He looked at his watch 9 am, he picked up his phone ringing Tae.
"Mmmmm, hello?"
"Tae, did you talk to jimin?"
"Of course I did, we are in bed now,"
"I said we are in bed.......,what's up?"
"So you only went to console him so you could sleep with him!"
"What?No....,you idiot we often have sleepovers when we get together, we've known each other for years and not romantically....,why you jealous?"
"What me no why, I-I just don't want him to get hurt,"
"Sounds like jealousy to me,"
"What!Tae is he listening to this?"
"No we drank last night and he was tired, that bastard knocked his confidence in himself, I told him it was time to move forward, find someone....., any ideas who that could be?" He sounded as if he was laughing.
"Tae...,I'll murder you if you say anything!"
"I will say something.....,if your thinking of 'going there' and you hurt him I'll cut your balls off!ok friend?"
"Message received and understood."
"Good now go," the phone clicked off.
Jungkook sat looking out his window thinking over what Tae had said. Did he really want to get mixed up with Jimin? He knew he was attracted to him, he knew the effect Jimin had on his body, he liked Jimin a lot, but how much, could he give up his flings with others...., he wasn't sure and decided against rushing into a relationship he wasn't sure about.
Monday came and Jimin got in early, eager to catch up on his work, the bruising had gone down a lot and he moved easier.
Everything was set up and running smoothly by the time Jungkook came in, Jimin gave him a beaming smile as he walked in but all he got was a nod. Jimin felt deprived almost, Jungkook had been very friendly before but now it's as if he was stepping back,Jimin thought maybe Jungkook had enough of Jimins troubles and was trying to ease away from him, so he put on his business face and didn't let it show that he was bothered by being ignored, because as the week went on Jimin could see that it was definitely aimed at him as Jungkook was fine with everyone else.
Jimin declined when Jin and Namjoon said they were going to Hobi's bar as he heard Jungkook mention earlier to Jin that they were going to celebrate the success of the jewellery shoot.Jimin didn't want to be the reminder of the bad things that happened on the trip.
Jin was talking to Tae who had come in for Jungkook when Jimin went to go home," hey Jimin, I'm going to the bar with the others aren't you coming?"
"No thanks you all go and enjoy yourselves better that I don't go."
Jimin left waving to the others," what's that all about," Tae asked looking at Jin and Namjoon who were standing together.
Jin looked at Tae then," it's weird it's as if Jungkook has gone out of his way to avoid Jimin, it's really noticeable, before they were friendly even argued sarcastically together, now he ignores Jimin and Jimin shrinks more into himself each day."
Tae frowned," you two go on, I'll come with Jungkook."
The two left while Tae strode into Jungkooks office to find him staring at the wall.
"What's going on?"
"Huh oh Tae, what do you mean?"
"Why are you ignoring Jimin,"
"What I'm not I mean I may have stepped back a bit,"
"You arsehole,"
"Your the one who said don't hurt Jimin!"
"So you think befriending and helping him while away being so close he let you in on his problems and then coming back and treating him like a leper is ok?"
Jungkook sighed," you were right I don't want to hurt him I'm not sure if I can just stick with one person."
Tae ran his fingers through his hair," Damn , ok but have you ever thought what it might look like to Jimin, his insecurities about being good enough for someone, you've basically shown him he's used goods the ex was right."
Jungkook stared in horror," No he wouldn't think that would he?"
"You've known Jimin a while now what do you think?"
Jungkook remembered back to the day of the trial where his ex had said he was a lousy lay and that his new boyfriend would soon find out what he was like, Jimin had asked him if he thought his ex was right, he had been very fragile at that moment . Damn you idiot Jungkook, Jimin had even started calling him Mr Jeon again and he missed him calling him Kookie. "Your right, ok tomorrow I'll do better now let's go to the bar.
But the next day brought another problem, Jungkook had been out most of the day shooting at a mansion house so hadn't really spoken to Jimin, as it was near closing time Jimin tidied up and went through to reception only to find Jin looking helpless at a young woman there, " you...,she turned to Jimin where is Jungkook?"
"Excuse me miss he's due back soon but I'm not sure if he's available,"
"Of course he will be for me, I'm his fiancée ,"
Jimins heart stuttered,"f-fiancee?"
"Yes I've been abroad , now show me too his office I will wait there."
Jin saw the hurt look in Jimins eyes, he had a good idea that Jimin liked his boss a lot so this wouldn't be a pleasant surprise ." If you would like to escort the lady in Jimin I'll bring her some tea." Jimin nodded escorting the girl in. A few minutes later Jin brought the tea in and left, jimin poured the tea and waited silently for Jungkook to return.
Ten minutes later and he came through the door, "Jin still here?"
"Erm yes Jungkook, Jimin has someone in your office waiting for you."
"Really who?"
"She says she's your fiancée "
Jungkook stared then marched into his office to be immediately jumped on," Jungkookie I'm back did you miss me," the girl said pressing her lips to his and clinging like a limpet, neither noticed Jimin silently leave.

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