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Kane walked the length of cages one last time, examining his cauldron of bats through the bars. His lips pulled tight, bearing his teeth in semblance of a smile. Giant, monstrous things they were, with furry bodies and leathery wings. Each had grown to nearly the size of a wild dragon and frightening enough to make a man spill his bowels.

They didn't breathe fire like the dragons, but they were strong and ruthless in their own right. Even now, blood and gore stained their maws from their last feeds. They also didn't require riders and used swarming tactics to attack and devour their prey. It was a sight to behold. He'd never seen his cauldron do it, as he'd never unleashed them, but he'd seen plenty of demonstrations from the bat master here in Oshea. This particular breed was prized and rare, and he congratulated himself for finding them and raising them so successfully within Shadowkeep. He'd known then as he knew now, they'd amount to something.

The ship rocked beneath his feet and he hesitated, widening his stance. A few bats chirped and clicked, using their pinions to climb the bars of their cages to steady themselves. Like most monsters, they would be beautiful in their destruction. Beautiful and deadly. And hungry.

"You will have more food soon, my beauties," he cooed. "I'm told our hosts have been collecting hundreds of slaves, just for you. Hmm? More blood than you'll know what to do with. And when you fly into battle, you will stain Kastali Dun red." He stuck his hand through the bars of the nearest cage. The bat within eyed his hand then nuzzled it with his giant, furry head.

He chuckled. It was hard to avoid attachments to creatures of the macabre kind. Their inherent nature was so...alluring. But he'd been careful not to bond to these, not even allowing himself to name them, though he'd been tempted to call the one beside him Carver, for the way it liked to carve its food and paint the walls of its old cavernous home red.

Bats. How fortuitous. How convenient. His contacts here assured him these would be trainable. Battle bats they'd called them. He liked the sound of it.

The ship gave another lurch and a voice called below. He gave the bat a final caress and withdrew, sighing.

"My lord?"

"Yes, yes. What is it?"

"We are safely docked," the ship's captain said. "There is a contingent of politicians and soldiers on the dock waiting to escort you."

"Excellent." He took a final glance around. "Take care when you unload our precious cargo this time, Waylis. Not a single one harmed, you understand?"

Waylis turned a shade of red, but nodded. He'd carelessly lost two of his crew when loading the creatures, and in anger, had tried to fight to free his men. In vain, the two careless crew members were quick meals, even though the bats had suffered wing injuries on account of Waylis's actions. They'd only just healed.

The bright light that greeted Kane left him squinting. All those in his path scattered, their bare feet slapping against the wood deck in an effort to hurry out of his way. They'd done well to stay clear of him on this voyage.

Notna. The sounds of the port city rose up to greet him ten-fold. City bells, shouts as cargo was loaded and unloaded, the call of gulls overhead. The air stank of fish and filth. He inhaled, letting it wash over him, taking in the sight of the numerous ships across the bay behind him while Notna rose up before him.

As promised, there was a group waiting to greet him near the dock's entrance. He spotted the bat master he'd met previously too, here to oversee the offloading of his new, precious cargo. Three cloaked figures stood within the group, cowls pulled around their heads, faces buried deep within. He knew what he'd see if he looked into the shadows. Red eyes. Skin pulled tight, thinned with age. Dragonwall's Asarlaí had never truly gone extinct when the dragons hunted them. While many had died, many had also fled across the Dragonfire Sea. And now Oshea flourished, flourished the way he hoped Dragonwall would some day.

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