Chapter 6

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"Hey Alvin, any idea what kind of idiot design a house like this? Like look at this, the walls are made out of glass and I highly doubt it can withstand a simple Fire Shot from the weakest of mages." A cloaked man mocked the infrastructure they are sneaking around in.

"Just shut up will you? Just be cause the place looks empty, doesn't mean it's actually empty. Who knows, maybe one of those undead Mamono owns the place." Alvin replied, annoyed by his partner.

The though made the other thief smirk.

"Say, if that's true. Think we could get a little something from her?" The comment made Alvin roll his eyes.

"You thinking with your small dick doesn't make you look good in anyway possible. Plus, if anything I'd go for one of those Centaurs. Now those, those are a better choice." Alvin replied, rummaging through cubed chests and weirdly looking furnitures.

"Heh, you are your boner for horses." He didn't get a reply, but he knows for a fact that Alvin is annoyed at him.

"Just go and look for something valuable Doug, this place is getting creepier by the second." The now named Doug shrugged, turning around before opening a drawer.

However, the two didn't notice a shimmering part of the wall. On that very wall is Haise, who just drank an Invisibility potion. He is patiently waiting for the two to separate, which happened and he sneaked his way behind the Bandit Alvin.

With the Bandit still distracted, he stealthily snaked his hand over the man's mouth but without touching it, and placed his other arm below the chin. With one swift movement, he choked Alvin while covering his mouth to avoid any noise from escaping. With the Bandit Thief unconscious, he dragged the body out of view and turned his sights towards Doug, who is now looking through his closet.

Haise then executed another set of stealthy takedown, making Doug lose conscious through suffocation.

With both Bandits tied and gagged. Haise hid them in the room they were just in and quickly moved his way to his next target.

Meanwhile, within the Security Craft Room. Liliana couldn't believe her eyes, it seems Haise has been hiding a lot of things from them. While she knows it's not a good reason to feel a little mad at Haise, but the fact that she cares for him is enough for her.

She watched as Haise efficiently knocked out two of the Bandits and swiftly made his way to his next target.

"For a Human, he moves like he's been trained in this." Druella stated her observation.

"The way he efficiently knocked them out is impressive too, just where did he grow up in?" Mersé asked Druella.

"We don't know, but he said he's been living alone for seven years inside this compound. Built it with his own too." That caught the attention of Sasha.

"Do you know what his age is?" Sasha asked Liliana.

"I'm not sure, but he looks eighteen to me." She answered, thinking all the while to ask his age.

They resumed the screens, all the while being impressed with such technology.

"This reminds me of the machines the Wandering Scholar mentioned in his book. Do you think Haise knows about them? The Automatons?" The question Elt asked silenced everyone.

The silence was deafening for the short period of time it made.

"Now that I think about it. It does makes me wonder, where did he get the idea to create his 'Off-roader', then these thing that we are watching from." Wilmarina stated.

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