Tx 'Tobi'

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Codenames: Tx, Tobi

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Codenames: Tx, Tobi

Real name: ???

Age: 17ish

Birthday: ???


Nationality: ???

Race: Superhuman


Bio: Was found by ra's al ghul as a baby with bandages around his face, and then was taken in with no memories of his parents or not knowing his own real name tx was trained by the league of assassins and as he was growing up he found out that he had powers but so did al ghul as well and he made tx training more harder. Later on the years ra's al ghul's daughter talia al ghul had a son with batman named damian and tx was tasked to protect him and so he does with his life.

Personality: kind, cold, curel, evil, serious, smart, arrogrant, joking, bloodthirsty, quiet, trustworthy, short-tempered

Likes: the bat family, the teen titans, training, his sword, his powers, his motorcycle, killing(but stopped due to batman), jokes, sleeping, his mask, the justice league

Hates: the joker, darkseid, damian being an idiot, seeing his friends hurt, dick, annoying him, people not taking fight seriously, people seeing his face and his right eye, deathstroke, the flash(find him the most annoying), superman(not hating him that much by hates him for using his x-ray vison to see his face.)

Powers: Able to see the movement of his enemies from the future(from his right eye), hellfire(still mastering this), blood powers(still mastering this), inhuman endurance(from his training

His mask:

(The color is black and orange)

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(The color is black and orange)

His motorcycle: 

His motorcycle: 

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His voice

(Just jean voice)

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