Nursery heals, but not sick people.

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Ningguang,, a gorgeous teacher, was explaining her math class until the door smashed open.

PAM!  Was everything that made Ningguang close her eyes as a reaction of the loud noise.

After just a second, she turned herself from the whiteboard and leaned her eyes on the 'criminal'.

--"Oh, Xiao its you,, again late." She looked at him, crossing her arms. By her face, it was clear she was mad...

She observed at the guy who tried catch his breath, having his hands on his knees and trying to recover. He was so exhausted, just what type of exercise did he do to go from floor to floor running? 

--"Mn..." He murmured in between pants. He was about to fall, it already was clear that this guy again confused classes and Xiao ran from the 4th floor till the first one and then again to the 4th one cause he didn't knew that the math class was on the 5th floor.

--"Xiao, you're getting dettention once aga-" She got cut off by his student falling down to the floor.

She absolutely forgot about his asthma. Her eyes widen and she ran to the fallen one.

--"Xiao?" She kneeled down, patting the head of this one. Everyone saw the scene and loud whispers were heard across the classroom. 

--"His voice is so hot..."

--"GAH! his girlfriend must be so lucky.."

--"I'm so jealous... agh!"

--"Dude man, I wish to have his voice!"

Aether saw how Xiao was getting patted by Ningguang and sighed.

I wished to be Ningguang in that scene...

He knew  she was already dating Beidou, but, the feeling of jealousy couldn't leave his mind. Too, taking in count that, the whole class simped for him! Gladly not the boys! They didn't simp for him, but for his voice! Must admit, it's very attractive.

Too, acknowledging that, the whole class was in love with him, he couldn't but not to feel anger.

They were speaking about him..

Being hot and cute...

Hahaha! All of these sick people who are sick of me! Sick of me sticking onto Xiao!

"Back off idiots..." That's what he always said under the silence.

'He's mine...'

'Since childhood...'


He sighed again, playing with his fingers while his pale hands layed on the table. 

He couldn't stop looking at that one guy, who still hadn't got up from the floor.

Aaah Xiao... if only you knew... That this exact blond... had feelings for you from the very youth... from your childhood... Have you ever noticed?... You both always met paths... You both always played in the past... We already met again ... You both played in your favorite park... Aether still visits that place and cries. Have you ever noticed? So many stuff. All these thoughts were mixed up.

He knew that the one he met again was Xiao, his best friend from childhood, but then, they got separated for two years.  Xiao's dad had to go out of this city for a couple of time.

We meet Again / XiaotherWhere stories live. Discover now