Chapter 17

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Blake pov

My alarm for the test went of a few seconds ago,I stand up from the floor,right I can do this. I flip over all three of the test and there my results lay.


A small tear slipped down my face,I couldn't tell what it is from but all I can say is I'm shocked,what now.

A knock sounded on my bathroom door "Blake I heard you come in the house,You Alright" I heard my mums voice on the other side of the door, " I Erm,I'm not sure how I am right now" I say truthfully "why,open the door" she says.

I shakily unlock the door and pull it open "what's up" she says,i grab the tests of the side and shove them into her hands, she stares down at them for a few seconds before she looks back up at me,she smiles "that's amazing Blake" she says "wait,are you not happy about it,we can do whatever you want about it" she says.

"I'm just shocked" I say truthfully "well that's ok" she takes my hand and leads me to my bed,she wraps her arm around me and kisses my cheek "a baby is a big responsibility but I know you can do this,and your not doing this on your own" she says

"What if Cole doesn't want me any more",I need to tell him soon otherwise my thoughts are going to kill me "has he ever given you any reason to think like that" she asks "no" I say truthfully "right".

"What are the boys going to say" I say,to be honest I'm petrified of their actions "don't worry about them"

My phone starts to ring and it's Cole,what if he is magical and already knows.

"Hello" I say
"Blake are you alright you didn't text me" he says,shit I forgot about that.
"I'm sorry I forgot,what are you doing" I question
"Dante has ditched me to take harper out for a sleepover and Ellie is saying at her mates so I'm on my own" he says,I think this is a sign to go and see him.

"I've actually got something To speak to you about,Can I come over" I ask
"Yeah" he says sounding a bit worried

I end the phone, grab the pregnancy test and shove them in my pocket "ring me about how it goes ok" my mum says,I only nod my head to her.

I walk out the door and jump into my car,I drove in silence to Cole's house just thinking about all the Different scenarios that could come from this situation.

Quicker than I would like,I was at his house,I guess it is now or never. I walk up to his front door and just open it,he is sat on the couch,but stand up as soon as he sees me "darlin,I don't know how it is possible but I have missed you so much" he says "Cole sit down" he looks at me confused but sits back down.

I walk up to him and take a seat "blake" he says sounding concerned,I just grab his hand and out the test in his palms. He turns one around and looks at the line that is clearly there "your pregnant" he says sounding a bit uncertain "Yeah,I am" I swallow and let a nervous breath.

He took a second before he spoke up again, "I just want to say that I want to do this journey with you, but if you don't want to go through with it then,it will be hard but I will hold your hand through" he say,I smile "no I want to keep the baby" I say,and he smiles.he grabs me and place me on his lap,his lips connect with mine as he kisses me deeply.

"Were having a baby" he whispers "Yeah we are" I giggle,he lays me down on the couch and kisses me again.

He lowers himself to my stomach and kisses it "hi baby" he says,I run my hand through his hair.

He rests his head on my stomach "does anybody else's know" he ask "my mum,I was kind of freaking out in the bathroom,I had no clue how you was going to react" I say to him truthfully "Why did you think I was going to react badly"

"I wasn't so sure" he nods his head and pulls me up "I just want to say,I love you" I was kind of shocked,I mean it a bit weird we are dating hadn't said I love you but are having a baby together,I smile "I love to" he pulls me back in again and kisses me deeply.

Authors note

This one was shorter but I didn't want to included the next day in it ❤️

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