The Void Listens

638 23 1


TW/CW: death

Prompt: N/A

Characters: Xisuma

Style: Backstory

Word Count: ~420

AU: Mortuus AU


"Do you remember the first time I died?"

He had been trapped in there for hours. There was nothing around him except for the darkness of the Void. It's not a nice darkness. The Void. It was the kind of darkness that crushes your body and freezes your mind.

"It was a long time ago now."

He wasn't talking to anyone in particular. After all, there was no-one else to talk to. He spoke to himself and to no-one and to everything that never was. He spoke to nothing and something and to the Void itself. He spoke because he had to.

"I don't really know which bits were real and which bits aren't anymore."

People regularly die in the Void. They say that it feels like your being pushed in from every side. Your breath is squeezed from your lungs as a sense of calm washes over you. It is a quick death. It is not particularly painful; it is not completely painless.

"A lot of other people died that day."

He didn't really know why he was in the Void but he had been there before. Was this where people went when they truly perma-died? He hadn't died again. Had he? He couldn't remember. Why couldn't he remember? He should be able to remember. He could remember before... couldn't he?

"I came here after that death too..."

He felt the tightness that surrounded him slowly disappear.

"I must have died again."

He sucked in a breath for the first time in hours.

"I don't want to keep doing this."

He felt himself blacking out.

"I don't want to die again..."

He disappeared from the Void again.

He woke with a group of other people, he recognised none of them. His communicator beeped. He pulled it out and read the message:

[Welcome to Hermitcraft Season 1, Xisuma Void. This is your final destination.]

He didn't believe it. It was never his final destination. He always perma-died again. He always went back to the Void.

It had named him Xisuma Void this time, he recognised the irony. He couldn't remember what his name really was. It changed each time the Void chucked him into a new world. He decided to play along, to play with these strangers who soon became his friends.

He played and the Void gave him a gift. It reunited the twins. It gave him his sibling back. He started to think that it hadn't been lying. Maybe this was his final destination. Maybe it was his sibling's too.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Until the next one, bye! ~Mors

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