Chapter 3 - Past

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As weird as this moment is, he was relaxed. Avani tended to be funny, not often, and normally her jokes were accidental. Hunter was taking a swim in the underground puddle when he heard a scream, it sounded like Avani, but with his wound, he might not get there in time. Either way he had to do something, he explored the tunnel system before, so he knew his way around. When he got to her, she was using magic, the magic substance that came out of her hand was purple, a dark purple. In story books, the villains had  magic of the same colour, but he wasnt going to jump to conclusions. She was using he magic to push two people to the ground, but she looked possessed. Every so often screaming as her eyes fade from black to blue. Then she fainted,

"Avani!" Hunter yelled running to her

"Please leave, if you don't then I-....I will make you" Hunter growled at the two people.

The two people ran off. He carried Avani into the healing pool, hoping that it would heal her as well, but since he didn't have magic, he wasn't sure if it would work the same, but whatever was happening to her, he knew that it was not Avani. Because Avani would never hurt someone on purpose, not in till someone did something to her, or the people she loves. Hunter remembered that she had some first aid in her little house, so he ran and got it, if magic wasn't going to help her, then he was.

The morning rolls around, and Avani gasps and wakes up, her eyes now back to blue. Hunter being Hunter, runs and gets the first aid kit, then running to her, but stopped by her speaking.

"What happened?" She questioned Hunter

"I am not sure, you had been using magic, but it was dark purple, like the villains in fairy tales." He answered not yet knowing that his words shattered her heart

She started to cry

"so the demons can get to me here as well?" she asked her self

Hunter confused, scratched his head.

"what do you mean? your a great person, I don't know what you mean by that!" Hunter said, hs words made her smile

"My old town believed magic was evil, my magic was yellow. They still casted it out. Soon enough a dark persona possessed me. I was soon enough sent here, I though it would rid the dark persona, but it didn't." She spoke without letting him speak just yet

"that's terrible, I am so sorry!" Hunter truly felt sorry

She nodded and walked away the cave system was now dark, when night fell over it.

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