chapter 18

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Michelle sat on the floor in her abductors' home. Her face was puffy and red due to incessant tears and slaps from the aggressive men. She walked up to the window and looked outside sadly.
Just yesterday,my life was okay. I only had to deal with my stepmom and naughty classmates, now I have to cope with merciless and ruthless men.
Just then,she remembered that they were to visit the governor that day and she bursted into tears.
Should she shout for help?
No, the men had told her that they wouldn't hesitate to kill her if she did that.
Through her tears,she sighed.
Maybe she deserved to die here after all.
She sighed again and curled up on a chair.

That was how the men met her when they entered the room, curled up on a chair with dried tears on her cheeks.
The less aggressive of them looked at her and sighed "what if Tonye is right? What if we got the wrong girl?"
The other man hissed "Tonye is always wrong you fool! She's the senator's daughter. We found her at the front of her house,is that not?"
"She might have been visiting the senator's daughter" the first man looked worried.
The second man rushed forward and seized him by the throat "have you forgotten who I am? I am Wellington and I don't make mistakes" he hissed through clenched teeth and the other man tried to free himself frantically.
Wellington released his partner and the man crumpled to the floor "next time,do not mess with me" he said and left the room.
The other man got up in fright and looked at the sleeping Michelle before leaving too
God help us if we've got the wrong girl.

*** *** ***
Maureen sat alone in the dining room and stared sadly at her untouched food.
It's been three days since she last saw Michelle. At first,she wasn't worried when Michelle didn't come back that night because she thought the girl slept over at Maria's. But when she didn't see Michelle the following day, she became extremely scared. Fola would be furious and grieved because his only child was missing under her care. She began to regret being wicked to Michelle. She couldn't even tell Fola because of fear of being handed over to the police or being kicked out of the house.
"I should look for her. Fola will send me out of his house. I'm so dead" she thought aloud and wept uncontrollably.

*** *** ***
Ruby walked towards the principal's office with so much confidence that Skyler was afraid for her.
"What if principal Rose insists on waiting for Michelle?" He could not refrain himself from asking.
Ruby's bottom lip quirked and the corners of her mouth lifted in a tiny smile. "I've taken care of everything,mich dog is not coming to school today"
Skyler's mouth went dry "what did you do to her? She hasn't been in school for three days now. Do you have a hand in it?"
"I could make her absent for three days if I wanted but I didn't,so it makes only today" she smirked.
Skyler's heart did a flip-flop. "Ruby..." He lowered his voice "did you send your father's boys to abduct her?"
"No silly" she laughed at him "stop being so dramatic. It's a pity I didn't do that though. I would have loved to see her ugly and frightened"
Skyler sighed in relief.
Surely, that's the worst she can do.
"What did you do then?"
"Well... I simply hacked into the school mail and sent both Michelle's and Maria's parents a message, telling them that there is no school today"
Skyler gaped at her "why did you include Maria"
"She's Michelle's friend,so if she comes to school, she'll try to get her to come to school. So it's best if they both have a holiday today" she winked at him.
Skyler ran his hand through his low cut hair. "Ruby, that's a very mad thing to do. You're not interested in visiting the governor,so why did you do this?"
Ruby just shrugged and faced him. When he didn't say anything, she pouted"what?" She asked.
He only nodded behind her and she turned to see a smirking Maria.
"Hello" Maria said still smirking.
"He.. he.. hello" Ruby stuttered.
Maria lifted a brow "what? Are you so pleased to see me that you're rendered speechless? Well,I know what you did. I know it was your mail and not the school's"
Ruby looked extremely pale "um Maria.. please don't.. um.. tell principal Rose what I have done. I really want to visit the governor. I promise, we'll be friends" she made puppy eyes at Maria.
"You're so disgusting. The two of you. I saw you at the cafe yesterday... After you left,I checked what you did and I saw that you had hacked into the school mail,so I wasn't surprised when I saw the fake email. I don't really feel like reporting you to the school today as I have more pressing issues at hand. Where is Michelle?"
"She... Um.. she's at home, she received the email" Ruby stammered.
"Well, she didn't because She has been missing for three days now" Maria answered.
"Are you kidding me?!" Skyler and Ruby said respectively.
"Like you both don't know something about it" Maria rolled her eyes.
"No no... We don't know anything about it. Right sky?" She looked at him.
He looked away "I don't know about you,but I don't know anything about it"
"You snitch! I didn't make her go missing" Ruby was furious and hurt.
"I'm not saying you did, I'm only speaking for myself" he faced her.
" That's all..."
Maria cut her off "you two! This isn't the time for fights! Where is Michelle? Her life could be in danger. Please,I beg you,if you know where she is.. just tell me. Please"
"You have a very crazy imagination Maria. I didn't do anything to her and Skyler didn't either" she eyed him scornfully.
"Yeah" he agreed.
"It could have been Chinyere" Ruby said thoughtfully.
Maria's downcast face lit up "yes! I thought so too. We could go to her house after school today and plead with her to release Michelle since principal Rose has postponed the visit"
"Nonsense!" Skyler said "we won't plead, we'll threatened her. Chinyere won't listen to us unless we threaten her"
"Yes. After school then." Ruby made to leave but she stopped abruptly "one thing... Wait for us outside this estate. I wouldn't like anyone to see us together because you're not fit to walk with us"
"Trust me,I wouldn't want to be caught dead even talking with you. You're not special okay? You should be happy that I'm still speaking with you after all you've done. See you after school" with that Maria walked away.
"What just happened?" Ruby fumed.
"Don't ask me" Skyler replied.
"I wasn't asking you,you oaf!" She huffed and ran to the class.
Skyler sighed and walked to the library for his reading session.

*** *** ***
Later that day,the trio walked to chinyere's house,rang the doorbell and waited.

1k reads y'all 😳🙏🥺
Omg!! 🔥🔥
I never expected my very first book to get so many reads
I'm so excited!!
I sincerely thank you all from the depth of my heart.
Xoxo 😊❤️

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