Chapter 4

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Ah Art, it was one of my favourite subjects. I loved painting and drawing and sculpting and basically putting colour to blank pieces of paper. If I didn't want to study catering, I would study art. I even have a camera, I love taking pictures.

As I brushed colourful strokes into my paper, I felt my joyful mood deflate once I came back to reality. In reality, my parents want me to study Law, not catering, and in reality, my parents don't really want me spending time at the diner, saying it takes to much time off my studies, in reality, none of my plans to study catering will even see the light of day. In reality, I'm just wasting my time. This realisation dampens my mood, and I suddenly feel sad as I keep my stuff.

Our teacher, Miss Lewis walks in. "Good morning everyone!" She says in a cheerful voice, which obviously doesn't sit well with some people who groan and cover their ears. Probably not morning people.

"Alright, listen up class, today, we're going to be starting a different topic in Art. We will see how art relates to our lives, and our emotions. Art can be used to describe m-" She stopped abruptly when someone entered the room. Z, who else. He was breathing heavily, like he'd been running. His eyes ran over the room, landing on me before he walked in, sitting beside me.

Wait, since when does he have this class?
Then again, I don't pay much attention to people, he must have been here all along.

He nodded his head in some sort of greeting and I just smiled in response. Miss Lewis continues to talk about art and how it applies to our lives and emotions but I'm barely listening.

His presence alone makes my skin prickle with goosebumps and suddenly, I'm aware of everything he does. I can hear him breathe, and how his chest rises and falls as he does so. I can hear his thumbs brushing the desk ever so slightly. I can hear his legs slide out from under the desk. My fingers itch to touch his hair when his hand runs through it. I can see his lips tip up on one side as he smirks at me....wait what?

"Miss Jones?" I hear my name which brings me out of my reverie, letting me know I spaced out.

"Miss Jones have you been listening?" Miss Lewis asks, a frown on her face, she knows I have never spaced out in Art before. She genuinely looks concerned.

"No ma'am." I mumbled feeling embarrassed.

"Anything up?" She asks, know that I've had "issues" in the past. My cheeks turned red.

"No, but thanks for asking." At this point I can feel all eyes on me, their stares burning holes into my face.

"That's fine, pay attention okay?"

I nodded my answer. Miss Lewis smiled and went back to teaching.

I turned to the boy beside me, to see his gaze already on me. His look was a mixture of curiosity and amusement, and in order not to get lost in his mesmerising grey orb, I turned to face the teacher. From the corner of my eye, I could see that the smirk hadn't left his face. I blushed.

"Now class, take a good look at the person next to you, because that person is go to be your partner for the next six months. Any project that requires a partner will have you and you seatmate working together."

As I heard Miss Lewis speak, I froze. Z was my partner, Z was my partner, Oh my God Z was my partner!!!

I was at the verge of passing out when I realised this, meanwhile Z just gave me a look that was a promise of things to come. Oh brother.

"Now as your project work, each pair will have to discuss about a special place to them, and paint it together." Miss Lewis finished off just as the bell rang.

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