Chapter 20, 'You bet on me?'

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4th May 1919, Small Heath Birmingham

It was later on in the day when Libby and Ada braved going home, their movie had finished a couple of hours ago and it was slowly starting to become nighttime. Libby had bumped into James on her way in who had been out with the boys and was slightly tipsy, that was nothing out of the ordinary for the twins, Tommy however had a very different opinion on his son and daughter getting legless every night. Although he was surprised how much liquor the fourteen-year-olds could handle; they sometimes even out drunk Arthur and Joh which was by no means easy, Tommy struggled to keep up with his brothers most of the time never mind drinking them under the table.

Libby and James both ended up at the Garrison where unfortunately for Libby Tommy, Arthur and John were there.

"Tens the play, John Boy. Tens the Play." Arthur repeated over the sound of the Garrison singing.

"Go Play snap with Finn." John snapped, sick of losing money at the game of cards.

"Nar, he's too scared he'll lose, Isn't that right Arthur." Libby whipped quickly.

"Do You want whiskey as well?" Grace asked, interrupting what would have ended an argument between Arthur and Libby, which Tommy was very thankful for.

"Nah, just beer," Tommy said quite quickly before anybody else could interrupt and order more spirits.

"Why no whiskey Tommy? Are you expecting trouble?" Arthur asked, ready to start fighting with anyone that would start trouble with his family. Tommy as normal didn't answer and instead picked up his car to take a look at what hand he had been dealt.

"Jesus christ Tommy, what made you let them sing?" John asked, not being able to hear anything apart from the ensemble of appalling screeches. "They sound like their strangling cats out there," John added with his usual boyish grin on his face.

"They probably are, knowing half of them," James remarked.

"Come on, the twenties the play," Arthur said trying to make his two brothers and nephew play the game quicker. "What did make you change your mind, Tommy?"

"You know what, it is time Tommy," John said randomly but Libby knew he was going to say something that was either going to piss Tommy off or make him laugh.

"Time for what, John?" Tommy asked, not being in the mood for John's jokes to be aimed at him.

"Time that Tommy took himself a woman,'' John said, trying to keep a straight face but that immediately changed when he looked at Libby and they both burst out laughing.

"Just play the bloody hand,'' Tommy demanded, fed up with his daughter and brother ganging upon him.

"You stay the way you are Tommy," Arthur started, "Remember what dad used to say fast women and Slow horses will ruin your life." John joined in at the end making Libby and James laugh as well as Tommy which no one was expecting.

Bright car headlights shine into the Garrison and John automatically assumed it was the coppers but Tommy quickly denied it and it was confirmed when they heard Harry shout, "Holy Shit it's Billy Kimber."

The bar was deadly silent as a mysterious man named Billy Kimber shouted, "Is there any man here named Shelby?"

No one dared to speak, they were quite like mice. A gun was pulled out of Kimber's pocket and shot in the air. "Is there any man here named Shelby?" Kimber asked again and to no avail, nobody answered him.

Tommy, who had had enough of Kimber thinking he was in control in his bar, swung the door open to reveal Arthur, John, James, and himself. Libby had been warned to stay in the snug away from Kimber, who Tommy had heard could be a vile man when it came to women and Tommy wanted to keep himself and his brother calm and their tempers in check. The last thing Tommy wanted was a fight with Kimber when he had just made the Lee's his enemy. It wasn't worth it and Tommy knew he wouldn't win.

"Harry gets these men a drink and everybody else goes home." was the last thing Libby heard clearly. 

She had her ear pressed against the window of the snug but they were talking too quietly for her to hear anything. However, she did hear Kimber shout about her father being a Gypsie scum and she didn't like that but she obeyed her father and didn't go anywhere near Kimber. 

Once she was sure that Kimber had gone Libby reappeared in the main room of the bar.

"Arthur, you owe me a pound," John exclaimed upon seeing his niece. Grumbling under his breath, Arthur handed John the one-pound note and John smugly waved it in front of Arthur's face.

"What bet did you lose now like, Arth?" Libby asked, smiling at the childlike behavior that her two uncles showed.

"Whether or not you would stay put in the snug, Arthur said you wouldn't." James quickly told his younger sister.

"You bet on me, unbelievable." Libby scoffed.

"Actually it's quite believable, Lib." James continued, "Like remember the time when you and John bet..."

"Right okay, James. It's believable." Libby interrupted, not wanting James to continue and tell Tommy that they bet on whether he would shag the new barmaid, to which Libby was certain she would and John said there was no chance. Libby wasn't even sure how the bet had come about, she couldn't really remember the night clearly.

They had been drinking in the Garrison and playing cards when Libby had asked John how long it would take for Tommy to get the new barmaid in his bed, to which John replied that it wouldn't happen. Arthur and James looked very amused throughout the conversation and agreed to keep the little bet a secret from Tommy. 


Sorry, it's short this week, it has been really busy but I wanted to get this out to you as soon as possible.  Next week's chapter will be longer as I will have more time to write it.

we have just hit 10k read, thank you so much to everyone who has read it and voted. Please keep doing it love you all.

                    --- Jane 

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