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"What the fu** is taking her so long!!!" Rhian screamed as she was already fuming with anger and frustration. Her eyes were almost teary.

"Rhian! Calm down! You just called her like two minutes ago! You can't expect her to just fly here within a minute!" Yvel said as she too was getting frustrated with how Rhian was acting up.

"Nothing can kill Blue. So you really have nothing to worry about. By the time you go there to find him, he may have found Trevor by then." Jade said in a hushed manner.

"Where are those fu**ing idi**s when you need them!" Rhian scowled as she dropped herself on the couch. Palming her face with visible frustration.

Samuel just had to fall unconscious for days and Yalex will disappear with no trace. Just in time where everything went really bad.

Or maybe it was actually bound to happen and Samuel is just not there to prevent it from happening like usual.

"You said you also called your vampire friend. Can we trust him?" Coleen asked and Rhian turned to her with a glare.

"Yes. He knows a lot about this group so y'all have nothing to worry. I bet you'll like him better than Yalex." She said as she stood up to head to the dungeon and check the werewolf.

She found the butler there since it was time to feed the werewolf atleast.

"You can go." Rhian said to the butler who quickly left to return and guard Samuel's door.

"You and your friends seems to be in trouble..." said the wolf while glaring at her. His teeth barred and saliva dripping all over his mouth. His eyes glowing yellow and formed into a viper slit.

"And what do you know?" Rhian asked and pulled a chair to sit on.

"I bet my di**! One of your friends is a traitor!" The wolf giggled and cackled to himself.

Rhian simply furrowed her brow. Lifting her feet as she crossed her arms. Staring down at the wolf without batting an eyelash.

"And I bet my boobs. This will be your last meal!" Rhian spat back earning a derisive chuckle from the wolf.

"That's fine milady! Just don't forget to remember me if I'm right." The wolf said rather confidently.

Rhian sat there for a while in complete silence. Staring at the werewolf who kept babbling and badmouthing everyone in her house.

A few minutes later and another vampire had entered the dungeon. None other than Vladimir.

Vladimir spoke to her about his own recent hunt which took place outside the city.
Because while Rhian was busy, Vladimir was also busy tracking down werewolves from outside. Sensing that the werewolves that trespassed the city were each from different packs.

"I might be gone for a while this next few weeks. One of my people had found a lead of one of their hideouts. I think it's worth to check." Vladimir stated as he pulled another chair to sit beside Rhian. Both vampires glaring at the werewolf now eating his final meal as Rhian claimed.

"Do you want me to tag along?" Rhian asked and looked briefly at Vladimir who just shook his head in response.

"No. I know you already have so much in your plate here. Which is why I wanted to check it. I didn't wanna let them add up to your fiasco." Vladimir said as he chuckled.

"Thanks. Be sure to update me though. I'll try to help whenever the time favors it." Rhian said and forced out to smile at him.

"And also thanks for coming on my request. I really can't leave the girls unprotected and you're the only one I know I can trust." She added.

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