Volume Two Ch. Eight: In the Shadow

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~First Person~

Morning after everything went down...it was one helluvah night. Between the dance, that simulacrum Pilot...and Weiss...Boy I am dreaming or Nora truly did spike the punch bowl! However, I knew that wasn't the case as Ruby, Blake and Yang stood in front of me as I laid in bed...one that wasn't my own...

"My arm...is going to be amputated after this..."

"Wow...I have never seen something so...cheesy...and cute...at the same time-! Oomf!"

Yang was suddenly hit in the face by a projectile pillow as the low groans of a very sleepy Schnee was heard below the covers that went up to my shoulders. Lifting up the covers, Weiss was clinging to my side as she was still in her dress whilst the others were in full "huntsman" mode. Recovering slowly from how hard the pillow actually hit, Yang swayed from side to side before Ruby let out a chortle.

"Weiss~! I know you want to be with him the whole morning but, me and him have to go see the Headmasters!"

"Mmmm...Does he really have to go...?"

"Weiss? My room is now under renovation and the hallway is the world's largest piece of Swiss cheese. Yes, I need to go. Besides...I need to get out of this god forsaken tie!"

With a loud growl and bark as my hand grabbed the tie, I would yank at it to no avail before Weiss groaned from under the covers. Suddenly, her hand shot up and grabbed my tie's collar before yanking me down so she could kiss my cheek yet, she also loosened my tie in the process. Talk about two Nevermores, one trebuchet...or was it birds and a stone...? Standing up after being released, I gave Ruby a small nod as a thank you as she gave me a thumbs up.

I would leave soon after to go gear up yet, I had to pass by the scene that was the hallway skirmish...And oh boy was it bad...Numerous students would stop and look on as the walls that were damaged were taped off with police tape. Not to mention, my room was scene for the larger crowd since they could all look into my room despite said tape and Police officers trying to stop them from taking photos...Yikes.

But, as I slipped up? I noticed a familiar set of faces that made me perk up.


Gaining all their attention, the detectives would all look at me with a mixture of reactions. Master Sergeant Bishop wore a rather nice and small grin upon seeing me as he gave a two finger salute. One that fade when he saw my face and cocked an eyebrow. Strongheart's ears perked up immensely as he gained a giddy grin upon hearing my voice. I bet he recognized me from that. Araki was rather taken aback by my presence as he then gave me a warm smile and bow. However, Einstein was more than smart enough to recognize the reason why I was here as she groaned and shook her head.

"Alright! Clear out! Out! Don't be dropouts just because of gossip! Rin!? Sick 'em!"

"Wow! Profiling much...!? But like Hell I won't bark because it's fun to! Auf!"

His voice had a bark mixed in as all the students, and almost myself had it not been for Bishop stopping me, walked off...What was that...? Looking at him, he gave me a soft grin before stepping aside so I could enter.

"Go on inside."


"I want in!"

"Strongheart, please do not pester the-and he's already inside..."

Araki would try to stop Strongheart yet, the dog-tective was already inside as he let out a long whistle as I entered...Yikes. No wonder. Most of my room was damaged since there was also a large dent and crack alongside one of the walls...me I bet. Not to mention, the large hole where the grappling hook actually hit...I didn't anticipate what occurred next as they all soon entered my room with looks of shock.

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