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Lea use to wake up feeling like the day in front of her would be a glorious one. Even on a day when she would have an exam, she would find a way to make the day a happy one. The simple act of a walk outside would do wonders to make Lea happy.

One day when she was a freshman, she made pancakes for her and her friends before their finals, just to make sure that they too would have a good day. And on another, she woke up an hour early to just drink her cup of tea and watch the birds fly early in the morning. 

But ever since her first fight with Draco Malfoy, she had not woken up feeling that way. She didn't wake up and think of what might be a good way to make her happy, but she tried to figure out how to survive the day.

Lea pulled her robes tighter around her as she walked outside. It was starting to become spring, but it wasn't the spring she was used to back home. By now, in Las Vegas, people would be peeling off their clothing due to the heat returning. Here, she still needed to bundle up a bit due to the wind. 

Lea may have not expected a good day to come, but she didn't expect for it to get as bad as it was about to. 

Especially when Pansy came strutting up to her with that smug face she had been wearing since Lea had been caught and put in detention. 

"Well, well, well," Pansy clicked her tongue to the roof of her mouth. "What do you think you are doing out here?"

"Walking," Lea gave her a pointed look.

"Thats funny, because I didn't think you were allowed to be outside," Pansy's cruel smile only grew. "I think a week's worth of detentions and fifty points will do."

Lea scoffed. "For walking outside?"

"You're not allowed to," Pansy hissed. "You're not allowed to do a lot of things."

"Stop acting like you care for the rules, and speak what you want to say," Lea narrowed her eyes.

"Stop messing with Draco," Pansy took a step forward. "He is not yours. I warned you from the first day to stay away from him. Everyone knew he was mine and you showed up and ruined my life."

"I never wanted Draco," Lea rolled her eyes. "If you want him, you can have him. But you know what, I don't think Draco much fancy's a girl and horrid as you. At least not when his tongue was down my throat."

Pansy ripped her wand out fast from her pocket, but Lea had seen this coming and took hers out as well.

The two girls stood in the patchy field by their school, with no one else in sight. Both with glares to rivel the worst of Umbridge's punishments.



Lea had blocked the first of the attacks.

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