Sneak peek

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Hi all, 

I know all of you are waiting for the next part. Next, see how Aditya can save himself from the web of deceit. But do you think even after he can defeat Jarasandh, then this is the end of his struggle and he can rule happily ever after? No....Aditya/Karna's entire life will be a great struggle wherein every step he will face pain, rejection and betrayal. Just a small sneak peek of his journey. Please let me know if you like it or not? But all these will happen in future.

Scene 1

'I don't want to marry a Sutputra. How dare he think that he is eligible enough to get my hand?'

'You know Dhrisjtadyumna, first I was scared as my stupid daughter insulted Magadh Samrat but I am relieved as now she became the Kulvadu of Hastinapur. Even if Magadh wants to answer this insult and wages war, Hastinapur will save us.'


'That bloody Magadh Samrat, I thought he will declare war but instead of fighting like a Kshatriya, he destroyed our trades. He destroyed our entire economy.'

Scene 2

'Subhadra, if you don't want to marry the King of Magadh, you can say that clearly to us. My mitra is a great man who always respects women. He will definitely agree with you. But today by eloping with your lover, you not only tarnished the reputation of Yaduvansh but shamed my father and mother's upbringing. Dau himself gave your hand to Karn but you bowed his head in shame. Arjun from today you are just my sister's husband, nothing more to me.'


'Magadh Samrat, I, king Vasudev am apologizing to you. If you want to punish us, we will gladly accept that.'


'You have to marry a Yadav girl to Karn today, otherwise, the entire Yadav clan will get a curse from Guru Parshuram and Kulguru Viswamitra.'


'I will marry him. I took the oath of celibacy but to save my  family's honor I, Yashodaputri Yamini will be the bride.'

Scene 3

'I can't stand it Priyamvada, I can't hear the subjects hailing for that low-born, crazy woman. How dare my son declare her as the Rajmata of 'Radheya Vansh'? How can that illiterate, suta woman be the Rajmata of Aryavart? I am not going to tolerate this.'

'But Sakhi what will you do? Even if you are his birth mother, he respects that woman more than you. He allowed you to stay here in the palace just out of charity, nothing else.'

'I know, but if I cannot be the Rajmata, then Karn will also not remain the emperor of Aryavart. My useless other sons lost everything in gambling but I will not sit silently. I have to make Yudhishtir, the emperor. Yudi is nothing but a puppet from whom I can get everything....power, luxury, respect and position. For that, if I have to remove my eldest from our path, I will do that.'


Scene 4

'Just for my useless, brainless daughter, we are in this position. If she married Karn that day, then we will be the allay and relative of Magadh Samrat Karn. But instead of that, we are his prisoners now. Those stupid panduputras, they cannot even save their own wife so how could they be the emperor?'

'Father, I warned you before, your greed will bring an end of our clan.'

'Shut up, I am Dhrupad and I know how to turn this situation in our favor. Devi Kunti asked all his sons to marry my daughter. So now Karna also has to marry my daughter and then we will get out favors from him.'

'FATHER, my sister is already married to five men. Society is already calling her a whore. And you want her to marry another man? What kind of father are you?'

'I am a king and I gave you life, so you have to do whatever I say. I want her to be the empress so that I can attain the power.'

'But father everyone knows that Samrat loves his wife very much. Even if he marries Draupadi, he will never make her the empress.'

'What if the first wife of Samrat meets with a tragic accident? Then my beloved daughter, who is the most beautiful woman of earth will console him.'


'Father, you know my five husbands are not the greatest pain of my was you, my father is the biggest curse I am enduring.' 


How are those for in future. It will take time but I will definitely finish this book as this book is my dream project. Please let me know if the concepts are too dark. But the characters I saw in my life, I am using them in here.

I don't want to hurt anyone's religious beliefs. This is not the original Mahabharat, this is a fanfiction made up by me. But in reality, I feel that Dhrupad is nothing but an opportunist who used his daughter as a political tool. Otherwise, no father even in the modern age could agree to such marriage. I know sage Ved Vyas ordered, but at least for me, if I have a daughter in the future, her honor will be bigger than any Dharm, any sage's order. 

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