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After dinner we went back to Jacobs house, "ayyy Ivy, good to see you," Jaden said giving me a hug, "you too Jaden," I smiled, "oh uh, this my girl Yasmin," he said, "hi," I said politely, she smiled back, "she's just in a mood don't mind her, yo fucking be polite and say wassup," Jaden said, "don't worry Jaden, I'm sure we'll talk soon," I smiled.

"Come upstairs," Jacob said taking my arm, as we made our way up, "she's not his girl, she's just a girl from one of the trap houses, she essentially works for us but does sexual favors when asked," he said, "did she do you sexual favors when I wasn't here?" I asked, Jacob sighed "yes, I fuck a lot of different women I don't have a reason I just do it, it's not meant to be a disrespect to you it's just a way to release my stress and anger," he said sitting down on his bed, "when we were together?" I asked, "no, not with anyone, ever," he said simply.

That's was all I needed to hear.

"Well what about you? You fuck anyone in this time we had apart?" Jacob asked screwing his face at me slightly, "just the shower head," I smiled, his face relaxed and he rolled his eyes, "and when we were together?" he asked concealing a smile, "definitely not," I replied, "good, relationship or not don't entertain no one else whilst you fuck with me," he said then grabbed me pulling me on top of him, "you fuckin mine," he said bear hugging me, oh how I'd missed his touch.

We sat and chilled for a couple of hours, I laid on his thigh as we watched a movie and he stroked my hair, something so simple but I wouldn't give it up for the world.

"I have to go out Ivy, stay here okay?" He said, "yeah that's fine you don't want me to come with you?" I asked, "not tonight, I have a meeting with some pretty.. Nasty people," he said hesitating, "not that you'd be in any danger but I have to be nastier than them to show I'm still on top if that makes sense? Can't do that with my weakness by my side, even I still have to learn how to detach myself from that," He chuckled as he put on black jeans and a black tight fitted hoody, he put on his gold chain and already had his diamond in his ear, "it makes sense, come let me sort your hair," I said, I grabbed his hair cream off his side table and ran a little through it to define his curls, "how your gorgeous self leads a gang I'll never understand," I said, "I'll be back in a few hours, if you're still up we can have a long chat about my past, it's only right I tell you now," he said as he gave me a kiss, "any big problems call me, any small problems call Santo or Jaden," he said, "what constitutes as a big problem?" I asked, "for starters the fact you overthink everything is a big problem, stop, breathe, take it easy, see you in a few," he said and left the room, "YO! LET'S FUCKIN GO!" I heard him shout to the guys.

I sat in his bedroom for a little while until I heard something downstairs, I imagine it was Jacob as he's probably just forgotten something, I made my way down being nosey as per usual."Oh... Yasmin," I said as I saw her in a drawer downstairs, "oh hi, I was just looking for a uh... Lighter, box of matches something to light this blunt, you want a hit?" She asked me, "no thanks," I politely declined, "oh come on live a little Ivy," she said egging me on, but I'd smoked weed before and I didn't like it, especially in company I didn't trust, "no honestly, I'm OK," I said sticking to my guns, "boss don't let you does he? Wants to keep his perfect princess just that," she chuckled, "nah he doesn't tell me not to or anything, I've tried before I just don't like it," I said sitting down in the lounge, I was happy without drugs or alcohol.

 "What's his name?" She asked, "whose name?" I asked back, "the boss," she said, "oh uh, if he's not told you and neither have the others then it's for good reason, I can't tell you Yasmin sorry," I said whipping out my phone and checking social media and local news. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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