Halloween Special

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This is really late but let's treat it as the nightmare before Christmas, yea (life got interesting and I stopped writing and now it's almost February so let's pretend it's still December. To be honest my life has been kind of a nightmare since October soooooooo-)

Let's just make it interesting and hopefully funny^^

Oh yea I forgot, this timeline is kind of messed up oops but this happens before the blyke and remi chapter and the march break chapters. Hopefully, I can finish these 'school' chapters where arlo is still in wellston and move onto more future ones with jobs and stuff.

Arlo woke up to the insistent buzzing of his phone. It was aggravating since he had just managed to get people to stop knocking at his apartment door. Did people not know how to read? He already put up a sign that he did not have candy. He had to add 2 more signs, and he ended up arguing with a 7-year-old over whether he was lying or not for people to finally leave him alone.

Isen also tried to get him to join the trio in spending hours in a haunted maze mansion, he was not in the mood to deal with whoever was trying to reach him.

His arm reached out and turned his phone on silent mode, after his phone stopped buzzing he let out a sigh of relief. Finally, the peaceful quietude of his apartment, how he missed it.

He enjoyed it for 30 seconds before someone started to knock against his door, without stopping. Just a continuous stream of maddening knocks. He silently cursed in his head and hoped that the idiot that was sugar high would just leave him the fuck alone.

Whoever was knocking decided that banging was a better idea. Just from how fucking aggressive it was he had an inkling of an idea who it was and he really hoped he was wrong.

He slowly sat up, going slowly as possible, denying the inevitable. He rubbed at his temples, Arlo could already feel the headache coming. In the most dignified way possible, he dragged his feet to his apartment door. With every bang his headache got stronger, his fists clenched before he released them to open the door.

John was casually leaning on the door frame with a lollipop in his mouth, his arm raised to bang on the poor door yet again. Behind him was the chaos trio all in pyjamas, holding pillows, blankets, and 4 large bags of something.

Elaine and Sera were leaning on the wall, Sera was leaning toward Elaine to point at whatever they were looking at on her phone. They were also dressed like they were going to a sleepover.

Then it dawned on him.

He glared viciously at John, "no." He saw Isen open his mouth and turned his glare on him, "no," he repeated.

John merely scoffed, "if you read the chat you would've known that we would be crashing at your apartment for Halloween."

"Says who? It's my apartment."

"We voted, 6 to your 0."

Arlo muttered some particular unkind things under his breath before settling himself, "why?"

"Why what?" Blyke parroted as he and Isen were in a heated match of pig cannons. Even though they weren't looking at him they both felt the heat of his glare. Both flinched.

"Why did you vote to have a childish sleepover at my apartment?"

Remi let out a sheepish laugh as she scratched the side of her face, "well.... You see Isen passed out after spending 3 hours in the haunted mansion. When he woke up he FaceTimed Blyke and I, he sounded a little off as he started to recount his dream and Blyke didn't want to suffer alone so he added John, Sera, and Elaine.

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