Coming home

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-Baek Soo Jin-

-middle school-

I was hiding in the girls bathroom waiting. I was waiting for all the others to come find me.

Girl1(sunny)- I bet she's in here!!

I flinched. Tears were already streaming down my face.

Girl2(Miranda)- Let's find out.

Girl3(Ginger)- Come out come, come out wherever you are....

I could hear them beating on the bathroom doors. Every time their foot steps got closer the more scared I felt. It was finally my door.

Sunny- Here she is!!

The door opened and eggs were thrown at me. I ran through them scared out of my mind.

I went up to the roof and sat on the bars getting ready to jump. Everyone crowded around pulling out their phones.

Me- EVERYDAY YOU ALL CALL ME UGLY! FAT!! TELL ME THAT I SHOULD DIE!!! And every night I sit in my room and think what would happen if I was gone...

I stood up and was about to jump when I was grabbed. It was my brother. He was crying and screaming for someone to tell him what was happening...

-present day-

I stood outside the gates and looked at all the kids walking oblivious of what was going to happen today.

I walked through the gates and headed to the roof. I looked down at three girls who hadn't changed a bit. Sunny, Miranda, and Ginger...ugh. I saw a helicopter in the sky and already knew who it was.

I walked back down to the main floor and watched the F4 walk in. A girl stood pretty close to me I could tell she was new and didn't know what was going on.

Me- It's the F4 the asses of the school.

She looked at me,

Me- I'm Soo Jin.

Girl- Jan Di. Ah do you know where the pool is?

Me- Erm yea I think I remember. Follow me.

We were walking when we heard a beautiful medley coming from up ahead. I didn't even have to see who it was I knew it was Ji Hoo. I remember him, he was the only one who would talk to me when I was bullied.

I started to hum a song Ji Hoo had taught me. We had finally reached him. He had changed so much but then again so did I...

He stopped when we approached him.

Jan Di- O-Oh we were uh looking for the pool.

His eyes went from her to me, but stayed on me as he tried to remember who I was.

Me- It's nice to see you again Ji Hoo.

Ji Hoo- Who're you?

I smiled,

Me- It's ok to have forgotten me. I'm Soo Jin. I went to school here a while back.

His eyes widened and he stepped towards me, as I stepped back.

Me- Jan Di the pool is up that way just follow the path. I have something to do. I'll see you at lunch.

She nodded and walked away as I turned the other way about to head back towards the school.

Ji Hoo- Soo Jin?

I turned around to look at him,

Me- Yes?

He waved me over as he sat on the bench. I walked over to him.

Me- Yes?

Ji Hoo- How was America?

Me- Fine I guess. How was everything after I left?

He smirked looking down,

Ji Hoo- Everyone was talking. Joon Pyo was even a little lonely...Everyone felt bad about what they had done to you.

Me- So everyone felt bad and Joon Pyo was lonely? That's surprising.

----------------------Gu Joon Pyo-

I was sitting the the F4 lounge when three idiots came in.

Idiot1- Oppa!!

Idiot 2- We have something to tell you!

Idiot3- Soo Jin's back! She was at school today!

I stood up as fast as I could and grabbed one of the idiots,

Me- What did you say!? Where is she!?

Idiot 2- She was heading to the pool with the new girl...

Yi Jeong- What's wrong?

Me- Nothing I have to go.

I headed to the pool but stopped when I heard voices.

Voice1-How was America?

Voice 2-Fine I guess. How was everything after I left?

Voice1- Everyone was talking. Joon Pyo was even a little lonely...Everyone felt bad about what they had done to you.

Voice 2- So everyone felt bad and Joon Pyo was lonely? That's surprising.

At that moment I knew that those voices belonged to Ji Hoo and Soo Jin. They were always close and when she left it hit him hard as it had me. I decides to come out from where I was but when I did I didn't see the same little girl I picked on. No. She was different... This girl had a strong appearance, she was wearing ripped skinny jeans that went to her stomach, a black and white crop top with a leather jacket, black ankle boot high heels with a now that had diamonds on it. Her hair was kinda messy but not like she just woke up and came.

Ji Hoo- Joon Pyo?

Soo Jin- I should get going. Text me later kay.

He nodded as she stood and went the other way. I grabbed her arm,

Me- Soo Jin?

She glared at me,

Soo Jin- Yes?

Me- You've changed..

Soo Jin- Yea that's what happens when your bullied to the point where you want to kill yourself. Now if you excuse I have to go.

She was deadly calm and there was no sense of emotion in her voice or eyes. She pulled her arm away from me and walked away. I turned back towards Ji Hoo.

Ji Hoo- She hurting still.

Me- Put a card in her locker.

Ji Hoo stood grabbing my shoulders.

Ji Hoo- You're going to put her through that again!? She hasn't even some anything!

Me- Why do you care so much about here? I'll do whatever I want to do to her.

I narrowed my eyes and walked away. I'll do whatever I want to her.

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