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⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️This whole chapter is pretty triggering.⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

He's back, he went up to his dorm.

Thank you

      Kirishima had waited all night for a text, a call...anything. He didn't sleep much, he didn't want to miss him when he came back. He thought he'd get a text from Midoriya, who seemed worried enough to stay up, but Bakugou stayed up? All night almost? Kirishima would question that later. He ran out of his dorm to Kaminari's dorm.

Kirishima knocked

He knocked again.

He pressed his ear to the door and he didn't hear anything.

"Kaminari!?" He almost yelled.


He knocked again, "Kaminari! Wake up!" He actually did yell that time.

He knocked louder and he didn't hear anything.

He texted the group chat.

Who's up and can pick a lock?

Kaminari's room? Be right there.

What's going on?
Nevermind, I'm coming down.

    Kirishima knocked on Iida's door next door. He didn't know why, but he was just so worried and Iida always knew what to do. Iida opened the door in his pajamas.

"Yes, Kirishima, how can I help you?" Iida rubbed his eyes and then focused on Kirishima.

"Kaminari...he...He's not answering his door." Kirishima was stuttering.

"He is probably just asleep, it's still late." Iida pointed out, he hinted that his sleep was disturbed.

"He was gone all night and just got in." Kirishima said, he looked to be in tears.

     Bakugou came running down the hall as fast as he could. Bakugou didn't want to waste any time and used a small AP shot to the door handle and lock. He tried to minimize any surrounding damage.

"Bakugou!" Iida yelled over the explosion.

"Shut the hell up, Legs!" Bakugou snapped back, he went inside and Kirishima followed him.

"Where is he?!" Kirishima asked he sounded frantic. He looked around the room.

Bakugou noticed the bathroom door was closed, he pounded on it.
"Kaminari, get your ass out here!" Bakugou bellowed.

"Kaminari!?" Kirishima yelled.

"Alright, stand back." Bakugou said to Kirishima and pushed him away from the door.

"Kaminari, I'm blasting the door open!" Bakugou gave Kaminari one last chance.

Sero came running in, "What's going on? I heard yelling!" He was frantic from hearing them yelling Kaminari's name.

     Bakugou was already in action mode. He faced his palm to the door and blasted the door handle and part of the door off. He wasn't being as careful as he was with the room door. Bakugou ran into the bathroom.

"Kirishima stay the fuck out there! Sero call an Ambulance!" Bakugou ordered the other boys.

     Sero fumbled with his phone and dialed. He was talking to a dispatcher in only a few seconds.
Kirishima sat on Kaminari's bed. He was trying not to freak out but he didn't know what happened. He felt like he should have been doing something.

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