㉛ Our foolishness

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You know damn well,
For you I would ruin myself
A million little times.

The Last Stark

When it started, there was a heartbroken boy and a heartless girl. One begs each night for sleep to take his life away in peace. Another one cluelessly takes the life of other people each night.

Their path crossed. Then their stories tangled as the boy cannot stop thinking of the look in her eyes, for he believes there's more to her than she showed. So he chased to be in the storyline, and found out that it wasn't written to be a fairy tale, it was rather like a tragedy with an unfinished ending.

But he was right all along, there was more to (Y/n) Stark than she even knew. She had a life that has been taken away from her, she had hands red with blood from the monster that she can't control, and she had the courage to get everything she knew she deserves.

But a happy ending is always a lie. Nobody knows what happens after a book says THE END. So in the story that was written to tell off agony and insanity, there was never a promising statement that it would end with satisfactory, was it. Be honest, was there any?

  I stare at Thanos. I thought that when comes a chance to kill him there would be a smile on my face, but it seems I was wrong.

I am so is tired, and I wonder if this is actually what I deserve?

Not an answer from a father, not perfect revenge nor a perfect getaway crime . Nothing but trapped in the fire that K lit, with someone who tried to help me but is now stuck in this heat as well. Just, nothing.

We stand there, hair, skins, and clothes painted with the most beautiful color, blood. While the bright burns of fire circle around us.

   "I killed him, but it doesn't change anything at all." I say under my breath. "I don't feel any different."

"But they're all dead, everyone who hurt you." Peter says, his eyes still showing how much he wants to get us out of here.

"..." I just listen.

"We killed them together." He says.

"What's the point of getting revenge, when after it's done we realized we gone too far.
And there's nothing left to go back to."

"You have me."

He grabs my hands with his bloody palms, like he doesn't even feel the hurt from being nailed to the cross. His eyes beg me to listen to him.

"We could still getaway. Even if the cops find the evidence, we can hind."

"The fire surrounded us."

"We could make a run for it."

"We won't make it. Just look at how tall the flame rises."

"You give up too easily! We have to run!"

"For what? The rest of our lives?"

"We'll be together."

I sigh and look at him, then I force a smile.
"Pete. Everything that we have done to each other, the damage of it is too fetal."

LUNATIC Ⅱ : Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now