Field Trip Time

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A week later
The trip day
Train Station

Sousuke: Uwaah, classes A-D are in first-class cars.

Rio: We're the only ones in second-class. It's the same feeling as always.

Class D Student: Our school has those sorts of regulations, after all. It was explained when we first entered, wasn't it.

The two students that provoked Nagisa on the assembly day began to brag about what they have in first class car.

???: Sorry for keeping you idling.

I looked at the voice direction and see Irina who was wearing fancy outfits.

Me: I really don't mind if you want to wear that, but please understand however you look at it, those aren't the clothes of a supervising teacher.

Karasuma: He's totally right. Change your clothes.

Irina: Don't be such a hardass, Karasuma! I'm taking the brats on a trip to adulthoo..

Irina: Don't be such a hardass, Karasuma! I'm taking the brats on a trip to adulthoo

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Little Timeskip
Inside the train

Irina ended up wearing her sleepwear.

I was sitting on my seat and the one who sat beside me was Sara. My seat was by the window.

Me:*close my eyes* So, I think you have figured out why those guys sent you here.

Sara: To complete my training.

Me: Correct. And I'm the one that need to oversee you.

Sara: You don't need to accept the job if you don't want to, you know?

Me: You said it like I have any choices.

Sara: Hmph.

Me: Anyway, I want to ask you something.

Sara: What?

Me: Why you want to be someone that they called "perfect"?

She just quiet.

I opened my eyes.

Me: Everything you do must have at least a purpose. It doesn't matter how unimportant the purpose is. Normal humans often do something without having a purpose and that lead them to making mistakes. You said you want to be like me, but if you don't have reason why you want to do so, then you can just forget your dream.

A Perfect Assassin (Assassination Classroom X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now