Chapter 12: confessing

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Pandemonica was feeling happy with man she spent so much time. As soon as Y/n closed the door the two sat on the couch.
It was relaxing, yet pandemonica felt the urge to tell Y/n something.
A confession.
Demon tstarted to blush and her heart started to beat like never before.

"Y/n?" Pandemonica yabked a man's sleeve to get some attention.
"Yes, pandy?"
"Since I left you, I was thinking about you every day. I had the feeling, that we are created for each other. I fell in love with the way you cared about me... I- I love you Y/n..."

"Well I never felt like that to anyone. This is wy I enlisted, yet since I met you, I grew the odd feeling that I've never felt. You are an amazing woman and I love you too. I always will."
Pandemonica looked at him with tears in her eyes
"Y- you doo? Like I'm your girlfriend. A-and we will be together?"
"Yes. I love you with all my heart, sweetheart and I will always be with you, to see your warming smile."
Monica grabbed Y/n's hand as they two were getting closer to each other. Before their lips connected in long passionate kiss.
It lasted a while, as the two were enjoying themselves, untill they pulled of to take the breath. Monica was blishing deeply and panting heavily, before reating her head in her lovers chest.
"That was beautiful. I've never imagined how amazing such kiss would be." Tired demon said.
"See? That's the power of love."

"Can you promise one thing?"
"And what that thing would be?"
"Please don't go to war anymore."
"It depends. If this countury gets invaded, I'm enlisted, and I don't have anything to say. But the overseas missions are voluntary, and I'm not planning to go on such any time soon."
"I don't want to loose you... I seen you on TV defending this town hall, and I was very scared that you will die..."
"Yet I have survived. Trust me, it was hard, yet my men did the excellent job. Only one boy got wounded, but he is perfectly fine now. You are as much relieved as their families, I got many calls, thanking me of my leadership."
"What about your parents?"
"I had a conflict with them, as they wanted me to go on the law course on college, but I went to pedagogy studied and then enlisted to military. They hated the army, but now I don't care about their wiev."
"Oh... It's ok, I hope, they live well." I hope as well.
Y/n turned on the tv and brought a blaket, to cover themselves as it was late.
He kissed her forhed as they spent the evening together, really close to each other.

The end

Of the chapter of course

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