Rescue Time

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The Same Day
Gion District

Kayano: Heeh, if you go this deep into the Gion District, there's really no signs of life.

Kanzaki: Yup, that's because it's only made up of shops that turn away first-time customers. The people come here don't aimlessly wander around, so we won't have to work around them. That's why it was the route me and Sara-chan wanted. It's just right for an assassination, isn't it?

They began to compliment Kanzaki and Sara as I looks around.

Me*thought*: A good place for an assassination, but it's also a good for place for an abduction. *sigh* I have a bad feelings about this.

As soon as I thought that, suddenly a car stopped at the end of the alley.

All of us turned our attentions towards the three guy who came out from the car. They were wearing school uniform, but their looks were like delinquents.

Delinquent 1: It is really just perfect. Now why would you walk in an area like this, where abduction is a piece of cake.

He said while approaching us together with his friends.

Karma: What's up gents? Well, you don't seem to be here for sightseeing.

Delinquent 2: All you boys have to do is leave the women here and go home.

Karma wasted no time and grabbed his face. He then throw the delinquent head to a concrete pole.

Karma: See, Nagisa-kun? If there aren't any witnesses, then there's no problem even if I fight.

I then realized they were wearing the same uniform as the guy I stumbled on yesterday.


Sugino: (Y/N), be-

Me: Karma, behind you.

Me and Karma duck down only to manage to dodge sudden attacks.

Me*thought*: Close call.

I took a quick glance at the person who attacked me and saw the guy from yesterday. I assumed he was the leader of the delinquents.

I kicked him away and Karma did the same to his attacker.

Karma:*crack his fist* Man, you guys picked the wrong group to pick a fight with.

Leader: Shit!

Suddenly he and his men who attacked Karma rush at the car.

But while they were running, they grabbed Kayano and Kanzaki. Sugino tried to stop them but the leader punched his face sending him to a wall behind him. The same goes to Nagisa.

One of the delinquents tried to grab Sara too but she skillfully broke the guy's arm.

Sara: Hands off, bastard.

Leader: Just retreat!

He and his men entered the car and fled the scene.

A Perfect Assassin (Assassination Classroom X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now