Chapter 14 - That's a Secret

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Word Count :  2234

Yuki was cleaning the table while I was reading a book. Kyo was doing his usual sitting in the corner. "Shigure-san, may I go out in the afternoon of May first?" Tohru asks, walking into the room.

"That's perfectly fine. I'll be out on an errand that day as well. What for? Are you hanging out with Saki-chan and Arisa-chan?" He tells her.

"Yes, it's the anniversary of my mom's passing. We will go visit her grave." She explains. I put my book down and Yuki stopped cleaning.

How can she smile at something so heartbreaking?

"I see. It will be the first anniversary, huh?" Shigure sighs.

"Yes. we won't be doing anything special, though." Tohru adds.

"Sorry I won't be able to go."

"Oh! No, I didn't expect you to..." She trails off.

"Can I join you?" Yuki wonders.

"I would like to join as well if that's possible?" I ask.

"Oh, but..."

"I want to pay my respects to your mother."

"It's been a while since I visited my mother and I didn't stop by on her anniversary so I should go soon." I explained.

"Thank you so much. Mom will be very happy." Tohru smiles.

"Kyo-kun, go along if you don't have any other plans that day." Shigure suggests. I looked over at Kyo and he didn't seem in the best of moods. Almost like he was sad.


We were walking down the stairs inside, it was time for lunch and we had decided to head outside.

"I see, so the prince is joining us, as well as you Ami." Uotani says.

"That's correct." I told her.

"What about Kyon?" She asks.

"Um..."Tohru stayed silent trying to figure out what to say.

"I'm not sure. He didn't give an answer." I reply

"Oh man, Kyoko-san would adore someone like Kyon. I bet she'd have blasts tormenting him." Uotani jokes.

"Then when Kyo Sohma is ready to blow his lid in frustration, she would pull him in a bear hug strong enough to crack his ribs." Hanajima adds. I picture her hugging Kyo and finding out about the curse.

 I picture her hugging Kyo and finding out about the curse

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That might not be the best idea.

"So it really has been a year since your mother passed away..." Hanajima says quietly.

"That said, it seems like she could still pop out of nowhere, grinning and saying 'Whoops sorry about that'." Uotani frowns.

"I wish I got to meet her. She sounds like a wonderful person." I tell Tohru.

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