99. poor slob without a name

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"I'VE GOT A SURPRISE FOR YOU," whispered Remus to Claudia as the girl was sat playing wizard's chess with Fleamont

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"I'VE GOT A SURPRISE FOR YOU," whispered Remus to Claudia as the girl was sat playing wizard's chess with Fleamont.

"What is it?" Claudia asked, keeping her eyes on the board as she thought about what her next move would be.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you."

"But I have to find out sometime soon, so," said Claudia, her eyes leaving the board to meet Remus'.

It was very clear that he was excited about something, and now Claudia could barely remember the rules of chess anymore as their eyes met.

"Tell me!" She urged.

"No. I'm going to show you. Come on."

Claudia quickly gathered herself, following after Remus who was already heading up the stairs to the third floor, inevitably causing Fleamont to let out a dramatic sigh.

"So much for a peaceful game," he muttered, sinking down in his seat.

"Keep crying and I'll manage to beat your arse," Lyall smirked, sitting down on the seat that was previously Claudia's, raising his eyebrows in a challenging way.

"Please, Lyall, you'll never be able to beat me."

"Try me."

As the two men started moving the chess pieces back to their rightful spots so that they could start the game over, Claudia and Remus ended up in front of a room the girl hadn't sat foot in next during her stay at the Potter's.

"What's in there?" Claudia asked curiously.

"The surprise...and my bedroom," he said with a small smirk.

"Good to know. You know, for future references."

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"Maybe," she shrugged. "If what you think I'm saying is that I'm going to sneak into your room so I can sleep with you, you're right."

"What kind of sleeping, though?"

"Not with all of them in the house," Claudia whispered, a small smirk building up on her lips. "I meant actually sleeping."

"Both options sound nice."

"There's only one."

"Works too," Remus grinned. "Are you ready for your surprise now?"

"Depends. Is it a good surprise or a bad one?"

"I'm not giving any details, lame," Remus spoke, rather teasingly, standing behind her and covering her eyes. "Close your eyes."

"Remus, I swear to god if there's a chicken in there I will murder you-"

"There's no chicken," he said, recalling her stupid fear. "It's a good surprise, I promise. Now, close your eyes."

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