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After Diana got Lane his band-Aid, she was helping him with his homework sitting by the fire with their friends. Hermione still not was back, which seem to catch the attention of Ron who was sitting on the couch with Ella.

"Where's Mione?" He asked, looking around for the girl.

Diana stiffens slightly, her eyes never leaving the pages of Lane's homework. She had an idea of where and who her best friend was with, she glanced up at her brother and caught eyes with Ella, who seemed a little panicked too. Something about Ella's look told Diana the younger redhead knows something.

"Dunno," Harry answered from where he was sitting on the other side of his girlfriend. "She's been disappearing lately. Maybe we should check the map."

Diana shot up, startling her boyfriend, Lane, and her brother as she walked towards Ella and pulled her up the stairs, shouting. "We'll check it!"

They climbed up the stairs toward Harry's and Ron's dorm and opened the door to find Seamus, Dean, and Neville talking on their beds. She let go of Ella, ignoring their friends, and pulled out Harry's truck, rummaging through it until she found the map.

Finding it she put away her boyfriend's truck, hurried out of the dorm room with Ella, and climbed the stairs to her dorm. She slammed the door open and glad to not see her dorm mates and shut the door before turning to Ella.

"You know." She says more than asked.

Ella nodded, knowing exactly what the blonde was talking about. "Yes, I saw them last week in the Astronomy Tower."

Diana muttered at the map, causing it to show itself to her, and searched for Hermione and her cousin's name. "They're in the Astronomy Tower. Delaney, you didn't tell anyone about this, did you?"

"Of course not. It's none of my business."

"Good. I'm keeping this for a while." She said, referring to the map. She muttered to it, the map became blank, and then tossed her on the bed. "Ron can't find out. He would have a mental breakdown if he knew."

"What about Harry?" Ella asked.

"He will find out eventually. He will want the map back sooner or later, so I'll have to give it back." Diana says, hearing footsteps coming up the stairs. "That must be Lavender and Parvati. We should get back to the boys."

As Lavender and Parvati walked into the room, Diana hid the map underneath her covers and headed towards the door with Ella. Ella politely greeted both of the girls, but the blonde didn't speak to neither of them.

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