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S/n: sorry I haven't wrote in along time I just been busy

2 months later

I craddle a crying Peyton in my arms... I swear she's so spoiled if you put her down for one second she will just scream her little lungs out till you pick her up. That's just a shame August Arian Joshua and kenzie spoiled this girl rotten... Lol let me quit playing I helped a little but still. Anyway life for me has been hectic I'm just working on Getting me together and it's not a day when I don't think of aj but the girls and Aug have really been there to help me get through it. I'd love to have another chance for me and Aug to have our baby but for one I got my hands full with kenzie and Peyton and of course my Arian and two Me and August agreed we shouldn't be together of course that hurt me but we will always be friends and I will always love him and who knows maybe in the future we could be together but for now I'm content with being friends. After getting this girl asleep I started to clean my house and made a grocery list for thanksgiving dinner I really hate that I had to be the one to do it this year I rather just goto someone else's house eat and leave a mess there but what ever but I'm excited that Augusts mom decided to come down here with us she's grown to be like a second mom for me and I just can't wait to see her

Couple days later

Thanksgiving is finally here! And I'm running around like a chicken with his head cut off there's still food to be prepared Me and kenizes hair still need to be done in a couple of hours I needa pick mama Angela up from the airport I'm stressing

"Hey mom did you get peytons dress?" Kenzie ask while sticking her head in the door way with my precious Peyton in her arms

"Yes look in her closet" I say while pinching her little cheeks. Kenzie thanks me again then walks out my room I Continue to look at the outfits I have picked out till I decide on one then I hop in the shower. Instead of going to the shop I just straighten kenzies hair and threw mine Into a neat bun I had my grandme watch the food while I picked up Angela once we got back to my place it was already about five Arian Joshua and of course Aug was here ready to eat but I made him wait because I want every one to get here first after about 30 minutes Erica and her daughter kasia came ariana came soon after then Augs friend quan and Joshuas mom and sisters came too.

"Shit can we eat now a niggas hungry af ya heard me?!"Aug says while rubbing his scrawny ole belly I roll my eyes as I lay out the last trays of food in the middle of the table

"Ok we can eat now but first I Think we should all go around the table and say what we are thankful for" I say while taking my seat next to Arian

"Ok I guess I'll go first" kenzie says we all turn our attention to her

"I'm thankful for michelle and August for becoming the parents I never had being there to support Me and guide me through everything helping Me with Peyton and just giving me the life I never had and the opportunity to give my baby more then what I ever had I'm thankful for Joshua for always being there and always having my back for being my best friend and accepting Peyton like she's yours I'm thankful for Arian being the best little sister and auntie to me and Peyton I'm thankful for Peyton and I'm thankful that all of you accept me like your family and I love you guys" she sits back down and wipes away her tears

"Kenzieeee" I stand up outta my seat and attack her in a bear hug

"Its ok mom you dont have to cry" she laughs while wiping away my tears I can't help it

"Dang Mimi breath and let that girl breath you over there having a mental break down is you pregnant again?"my grandme ask smart ass mouth

"Right Aug y'all got something to tell us"Ariana ask

"Yall really needa shut up I'm not pregnant me and August ain't even together"I say heading back to my seat

"Its possible"Aug says with a smirk all the girls look at me and I just hide my face tryna keep them from seeing me blush

"What you saying Aug you still hitting that?"quan ask he better not say nothing

"Best buleeh Aug tear that shit up every night" Aug says causing me to gasp I can't believe him putting me on the spot like that

"Whatttt? He's lying! Who's next"I say tryna change the subject they just all continue to stare at me

Eventually they get me to tell the truth ugh I really hate them anyway we continued with our thanks I decided I would go last and now's my turn

"Ok I just wanna say I'm thankful to have amazing people like you guys in my life this years been rough for Me but I can honestly say you guys made everything better I love y'all and even though y'all nosey ass hell and August you have a big ass mouth I wouldn't replace y'all for the world" they all shout back they love me too we begin to eat

The rest of the night was spent laughing drinking and dancing once the family was gone the Kids went to bed and I spent the rest of my night in August arms. My life has never been easy but In this moment I can honestly say I'm happy

The end

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