Chapter One:Prologue.

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Narrators POV.

It all started with a conversation with the council of angels discussing the topic with so many innocent souls crossing into heaven by the grim reaper. It was getting too overcrowded that even they had to make a line and build more homes for the souls to live in.

" I'm telling you, they are getting killed by the same people over and over again"

"Those poor innocent souls."

"Hmm, I think we have to send one of our own down to the Multiverse."

Shock had brought the whole entire council from the leader of the council. They never had expected to bring that topic up, no angel has ever ventured down to the multiverse.

"Are you sure about that Analia?, no angel has ever done that before"

"Yes Adelina, I'm sure about it and I know just who to send, please bring me (Y/N) here so I can assign a task for her to do."

The white haired woman said as the light brown haired woman nodded and head off to find (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s POV.

I humed a soft Melody while watching the river flow. Ever since I've died, I've been granted to live in Heaven, isn't that great?. Heaven is the most beautiful place that I've ever seen, I'm grateful to be here and love every single bit of it. I hummed a Melody that the river was making.

"Hey (Y/N) is it?".

I turned my head to see one of the angel councils Audrey Grapefruit. I waved and smiled gently, she is a mysterious angel for not showing her face to others. I'm not much of a nosy person but I am a bit curious on what Audrey looks like.

"Hello Audrey, what is it you need from me?."

"Well the councils need to see you right now because we have decided to assign you a task."

I became shocked when Audrey said that, I never expected to be given a task before but I kinda did. I agreed and followed Audrey to the council, now half excited on what I'm needed for. When we got there, it was just Adelina and Analia, the rest of the council must've gone. I stood in front of them as Audrey went to the two and leaned her back against the pillar.

"So (Y/N) I'm sure you're confused about why we called for you here but we have decided to send you down to the multiverse to help out those in need."

I became shocked of Analias words, what is happening down there that needs me to help?.

"Why what's happening down there?".

"Well we seem to have a really long line of souls out of the gates of heaven and we have to keep building houses."

"The worst thing is, those souls were killed by the same people, given from description of their words and their memories."

I became even more shocked of Audrey's add in as I nodded.

"So you want me to go down to the mortal multiverse to try and slow down the killing rate?."

"Yes that'll be so much of help and hopefully that the soul rate would drop down."

I smiled when Adelina add in her information. Once they were done talking, I was dismissed but gave Adelina a hug.

"Remember what I've taught you (Y/N), don't judge, be diligent, kind and humble to those around you."

Adelina advised as I nodded, then I was escorted with Adelina to the gates of heaven. Surprised and shocked by the long line of souls that are crossing into heaven.

"Well I'll see you when I come back Adelina, wish me luck".

Not a moment later, Adelina said her goodbyes as I spreeded my wings and flew down below the clouds, decending from above and gone away from home.

An Angel Sent From Above ( (Y/N) x Bad Sanses) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now