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"Ello Rose." He was exaggerating his accent, which he never did.

"What's up Tommy? I was just going to sleep." She yawned as if to prove her point.

"Well I'm here with, da bois and- shut up Eryn." She could hear commotion on the other side of the phone.

"Tommy did you drink?"

"Duh woman, it's my birthday, I'm 18!" She rolled her eyes at his rude tone.

"I know it's your birthday Tommy, drink some water stupid."

"Alright alright, I-"

"Tell her!"


"Dont yell at me Tommy, it's midnight here."

"Rose," he whispered loudly, "the boys dared me to call the prettiest girl I know."

"And what'd she say? Did you get another girlfriend Tommy?" She played along with his bit.

"No no no," he sounded upset as he walked out of the room with all the noise to talk to her better. "you're the prettiest girl I know." She's silent for a moment. There's no way he's serious. "Well actually," he starts in a matter-of-fact tone, "you're the prettiest girl ever ever in the world. I'll tell you something," he clears his throat, "you're even prettier than, the queen."

"Okay, thank you Tommy," she assumes he's just playing around since he's not sober, "please drink some water."

"I will I will."

"Do it now, just chug a glass."

"Fine." She heard clinking and the sink running. A moment later he gasped finishing the glass of water. "Happy now?"

"Yup, have fun Tommy."

"Night Rosie, sleep tight!" He giggled and hung up the phone. Plugging her phone back in she groaned and face planted into her pillow.


"Rose. I have decided to never drink again."

It was almost noon when Tommy called Rose the next day.

"Why's that Tommy?" Rose had her drawing pad out and was drawing two figures, running through a field with their hands intertwined. One had long, wavy red hair, the other short, blonde curly hair.

"I may have called some people last night and I have no idea what I said."

"No idea?"

"Oh god, what did I say to you?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it."

"I'm sorry Rose, I didn't mean it." Ouch.

"Don't worry about it. Did you take an aspirin yet?"

"No." He whined.

"Go do that, eat some carbs, and sleep, you'll feel better tomorrow."

"Ugh okay, I'm taking you with me-"

"Actually I should go- I have uh some more school work I should finish."

He paused, she usually did her homework on call with him, "Why can't you stay on the phone?"

"I should really focus Tommy."

"Did I do something wrong? I swear, whatever I said I didn't mean it, you're my best friend Rose."

"Nope, don't worry about it, my dads calling me anyways."

"I don't hear-"

"Bye Tommy." She pressed the end call button harder than ever before. "Ugh!" She dropped her head onto her desk, "ow."

There was a soft knock at the door, "come in." She groaned, not moving.

"Flower? Are you okay?" Her dad slowly moved into the room.

Sighing she lifted her head, "I don't know."

"Is it Tommy?"

"How'd you know?"

He simply shrugged as he sat on her reading chair, "What happened?"

"He called me at midnight last night, it was 5 am for him right, he had had a few drinks since it was his birthday, he was home it was fine. But he tells me he was dared to call the prettiest girl he knew."

"Well of course he called you-"

"Dad of course you think I am but it's different with Tommy. And anyways he didn't just say that, he said and I quote, 'you're the prettiest girl ever ever in the world' and I'm 'even prettier than the queen.'" Her dad chuckled at that, "it's not funny!"

"It kind of is sweetheart."

"Whatever, it's just weird that he called me."

"Why? I'm sure Tubbo thinks the same, would it be weird if Tubbo called you a little tipsy saying you're the prettiest girl he knows?"


"Maybe it's because you might have some underlying feelings for him? Like- more than a best friend?"

"No," she shakes her head adamantly, "I would know if I had romantic feelings for Tommy."

"Well is that all? He just called you pretty?"

"He kind of said he didn't mean anything he said-"


"Dad, he just didn't remember what he said-"

"He didn't remember he called you pretty- Rose, he probably thought he said something mean."

"I don't know-"

"What are you going to do?"

"Ugh," she groaned, "why can't you just tell me what im supposed to do?" She whined

He chuckled lovingly at his daughter, "Hun, you're a big girl, I can't tell you how to run your life until you die?"

"Why not?" She pouted. She knew she was acting like a big baby, but in the moment, she didn't really care.

"Because hopefully, we both live long happy lives and simply die of old age, meaning I die before you. That's not the point, do what your heart tells you. Let your brain give its piece, but don't rely on it. From what I know about Tommy, he doesn't want to ruin what you two have, whatever flirty-non-romantic... thing you have."

"I don't flirt with him."

"That's a talk for another day, but no one can run your life but you."

She sighs, knowing he's right, "How did you not tell me what to do and told me what to do at the same time?" He laughed and opened his arms for her, she quickly crawled into his lap, no matter how big she got, she would still love to cuddle with her dad. "I love you dad."

"I love you honey bun."

They were silent as he held her close, her phone buzzing every few minutes with another text from Tommy.

"Are you going to talk to him?"

"Yeah." She grabbed her phone and his messages continued popping up.

Rose I'm so sorry
Rose I don't know what I did but tell me and I'll apologize
I didn't mean to hurt you
Please Rose you're my best friend
I fucked up so bad I'm sorry
At least say something so I know you're okay
Rose please

Hey... sorry for not responding, I'm ok, we're ok
I just need a day to think about stuff
I promise I'll call you tomorrow

I'm sorry, again
Take all the time you need

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